- Introduction
- Dependencies
- Imports
- Rendering
- Tags & Elements
- Modifiers
- Reactive Data
- Conditional Rendering
- Rendering Loading State
- ClassName and Other Special Keys
- Event System: Emitters, Processors, Buses
- Controlled Inputs
- Ownership
- Memory Management
- Element Lifecycle Hooks
- Integrations With Other Libraries
- Network Requests
- URL Routing
- Anti-patterns
- Browser Compatibility
- Special Cases
- Troubleshooting
This documentation is for Laminar version v17.2.0. For documentation of older versions, open the corresponding git tag, and use file search to find the file. For example: v17.0.0 docs.
Laminar depends on Airstream – usually but not always on the same-numbered version of Airstream. If neeeded, you can check the exact Airstream version in the project/Versions.scala
Laminar API doc • Airstream API doc
Laminar is very simple under the hood. Don't be afraid to use "Go to definition" functionality of your IDE to see how a certain method works. That said, the documentation provided here explains the mechanics of Laminar in great detail. Documentation sections progress from basic to advanced, so each next section usually assumes that you've read all previous sections.
If you're new here, watching the Laminar video will be time well spent – it's a good introduction to Laminar, covering both the big ideas and some inner workings.
See also: Quick start, Live examples.
If you want to follow along with an IDE, download one of the starter kit projects from the Resources page, or learn how to render your app in the Rendering section below.
Add Laminar to libraryDependencies
of your Scala.js project in build.sbt
"com.raquo" %%% "laminar" % "16.0.0" // Requires Scala.js 1.13.2+
Laminar depends on Airstream. Every Laminar version includes the latest version of Airstream that was available at the time it was published. If you ever have a reason to use a slightly newer version of Airstream without upgrading Laminar, add this to your build.sbt
as well:
"com.raquo" %%% "airstream" % "<version>"
As you can see, Laminar and Airstream versions can diverge slightly, so don't use a single LaminarVersion
variable for both.
The html/svg tags, attributes, props, styles, and event names in Laminar come from Scala DOM Types. If there's a missing prop, consider contributing it there.
Laminar also uses scala-js-dom. As it is a very thin interface to native JS types, you can generally use a higher version of scala-js-dom than what Laminar uses without any issue.
You have two import choices: import com.raquo.laminar.api.L.{*, given}
(or L._
in Scala 2) is the easiest, it brings everything you need from Laminar in scope. Unless indicated otherwise, this import is assumed for all code snippets in this documentation.
Usually you will not need any other Laminar imports. In this documentation you will occasionally see references to some Laminar types and values that are not available with just this one import because we spell out the types for the sake of explanation. Most of those are available as aliases in the L
object. For example, ReactiveHtmlElement[dom.html.Element]
is aliased as simply HtmlElement
, and Modifier[El]
as Mod[El]
Alternatively, you might want to avoid bringing so many values into scope, so instead you can import com.raquo.laminar.api.{*, given}
(or api._
in Scala 2), and access Laminar and Airstream values and types with L
and A
prefixes respectively, e.g. A.EventStream
, L.div
, etc.`
There are special import considerations for working with SVG elements.
Do check out the available aliases in the L
object. It's much more pleasant to write and read Mod[Input]
than Modifier[ReactiveHtmlElement[dom.html.Input]]
Another import you will want in some cases is import org.scalajs.dom
– whenever you see dom.X
in documentation, this import is assumed. This object contains scala-js-dom native JS DOM types. I highly recommend that you import this dom
object and not dom.*
or dom._
because the dom.
prefix will help you distinguish native JS platform types from Laminar types.
When you create a Laminar element, the underlying real JS DOM element (.ref
) is created at the same time. However, it is initially detached from the DOM. That is, it does not appear in the document that the user sees. Such an element is unmounted.
For the user to see this element we need to mount it into the DOM by either adding it as a Modifier to another element that already is (or at some point will become) mounted, or if we're dealing with the top element in our application's hierarchy, we ask Laminar to render it into some container dom.Element
that already exists on the page. Said container must not be managed by Laminar.
val appContainer: dom.Element = dom.document.querySelector("#appContainer")
val appElement: Div = div(
"Current time is:",
val root: RootNode = render(appContainer, appElement)
That's it. Laminar will find an element with id "appContainer" in the document, and append appElement.ref
as its child. For sanity's sake, the container should not have any other children, but that's not really a requirement.
To remove appElement
from the DOM, simply call root.unmount()
. You can later call root.mount()
to bring it back.
Waiting for the DOM to load
When and where should you call Laminar's render
method? Assuming you want your entire application to be powered by Laminar, you want to render your application as soon as the web page containing it loads.
However, what does "loads" mean, exactly? If you just put your code in your Scala.js app's main
method, it will execute right after the <script>
tag containing your Scala.js bundle was downloaded. At this point, whether accessing dom.document.querySelector("#appContainer")
will work or not depends on the position of the <script>
tag relative to <div id="appContainer">
in your HTML file. If the container div comes first in your HTML document, then your script will be able to access it. Usually this is all that is needed to render your application, so my recommendation is to place your Scala.js script tag at just before the closing </body>
tag in your HTML, and place any other elements / scripts / stylesheets / resources that you need at app launch above it. Do not place the <script>
element inside of <div id="appContainer">
Alternatively, you may want to delay rendering until the browser's DOMContentLoaded event fires. You can do that with a special renderOnDomContentLoaded
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
lazy val appContainer = dom.document.querySelector("#appContainer")
val appElement = div(h1("Hello world"))
renderOnDomContentLoaded(appContainer, appElement)
Important: if you're relying on renderOnDomContentLoaded
to delay the rendering, make sure that appContainer
is a lazy val
or a def
, because if that querySelector is executed before the browser parses the div in your DOM, it will return null
, and Laminar will complain about the null container. Of course, another reason you could be getting a null
is if the querySelector you provided is not correct. You can manually test it in the browser dev console.
Lastly, if you want to delay app rendering until not only the DOM, but all images and iframes from the HTML have also loaded, you can wait for the window.load event. There is no built-in helper method for that, so you will need to do it more manually:
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
windowEvents(_.onLoad).foreach { _ =>
val appContainer = dom.document.querySelector("#appContainer")
val appElement = div(h1("Hello world"))
render(appContainer, appElement)
Tags & Elements
Laminar uses Scala DOM Types to generate listings of typed HTML & SVG tags, attributes, props, event props, etc. For example, this is how we know that onClick
events produce dom.MouseEvent
events and not dom.KeyboardEvent
is an HtmlTag[dom.html.Div]
. It's a factory of <div>
HTML elements. HtmlTag
extends Tag
from Scala DOM Types and contains basic information needed to create such an element, such as its tag name ("div").
is a ReactiveHtmlElement[dom.html.Div]
(aliased as Div
). The apply
method created a Laminar Div element that is linked to the real JS DOM element that it represents. If you need to, you can access the underlying JS DOM element via the .ref
property. This is useful mostly for event handlers and third party integrations.
This particular Div
type has no special features, it simply indicates that the tag name is div
. If you don't care about the type of your HTML element, you can use the more general HtmlElement
type (alias for ReactiveHtmlElement[dom.html.Element]
) in your method signatures.
is not a virtual DOM element. When you create a Laminar element, Laminar immediately creates the underlying dom.Element
as well. That reference is immutable, so these two instances will go together for the duration of their lifetimes. In contrast, in a virtual DOM library (which Laminar is not) you typically create new instances of virtual elements when they change, and these get loosely matched to a dom.Element
which could actually be a different element over time depending on how the updates that you're requesting and the implementation of virtual DOM's diffing algorithm.
Read on for how to use this element we've created.
The div()
call described above creates an empty div element – no children, no attributes, nothing. Here's how to specify desired attributes:
input(typ := "checkbox", defaultChecked := true)
This creates an <input>
Laminar element and sets two attributes on it. It's mostly obvious what it does, but how?
As we've established before, input()
call is actually HtmlTag[El].apply(modifiers: Modifier[El]*)
. So, we can pass Modifiers to it. A Modifier[El]
(aliased as Mod[El]
) is a simple trait with an apply(element: El): Unit
method. Conceptually, it's a function that you can apply to an element El
to modify it in some way. In our case, typ := "checkbox"
is a Modifier
that sets the type
attribute on an element to "checkbox"
is an HtmlAttr
, and :=
is simply a method on it that creates a Setter
– a Modifier
that sets a specific key to a specific value. You can set DOM props and CSS style props the same way (e.g. backgroundColor := "red"
is originally coming from Scala DOM Types and represents the "type" attribute. You should consult Scala DOM Types documentation for a list of naming differences relative to the native JS DOM API. It will also explain why the checked
attribute is called defaultChecked
, and why it accepts a boolean even though all HTML attributes only ever deal in strings in JS DOM (Codecs).
Note: the apply
method on attributes and other keys is an alias for :=
in case you prefer a slightly shorter syntax and less pain in your fingers:
input(typ("checkbox"), defaultChecked(true)) // 100% equivalent to the previous snippet
The documentation will mostly use the :=
name because I think it's more obvious to beginners.
Nesting and Children
A Laminar Element like input(typ := "checkbox")
is also a Modifier, one that appends itself as a child to the element to which it is being applied. Now you can understand how nesting works in Laminar without any magic:
val inputCaption = span("First & last name:")
val inputMods = Seq(typ := "text", defaultValue := "Me")
h1("Hello world", color := "red"),
input(inputMods, nameAttr := "fullName"),
Well, a tiny bit of magic – strings are not modifiers themselves, but are implicitly converted to TextNode
(Laminar text nodes) which are modifiers that append plain JS text nodes with a given text to the element in question. They are not implicitly wrapped into span
In fact, this conversion works not only for strings, but also for other primitive types like numbers and booleans. If you want Laminar to render your custom type A
in a similar manner, define an implicit instance of RenderableText[A]
for it.
For convenience, Seq[Modifier[A]]
is also implicitly converted to a Modifier[A]
that applies all the modifiers in the Seq: see Implicits.seqToModifier
. This is especially useful when making a component that accepts modifiers as VarArgs. Such design is one way to let users configure the component's elements without the component needing to whitelist all possible configurations in its list of inputs:
// Simple component
def TextInput(inputMods: Modifier[Input]*): HtmlElement =
cls := "TextInput",
input(typ := "text", inputMods)
// Usage (data binding with arrows will be explained later)
TextInput(defaultValue := "Enter your age", value <-- ageVar, onInput --> ageVar)
performs a similar conversion for Option[Modifier[A]]
. We also have emptyMod
, a universal Modifier that does nothing, for when you don't want to wrap your stuff in Option-s.
Modifiers are applied in the order in which they're passed to the element, so in terms of children ordering what you see in your code is what you get in the resulting DOM.
Notice that the code snippet in the beginning of this section does not require you to HTML-escape "&"
or "<"
. You're just writing Scala code, you're not writing HTML (or anything that will be parsed as HTML), so don't worry about HTML escaping when using Laminar API. However, this warranty is void when you call Laminar methods with unsafe
in the name such as unsafeParseHtmlString
, or manually invoke native Javascript APIs (e.g. anything under .ref
, or any interfaces provided by scala-js-dom). Then you need the proper knowledge of Javascript and the DOM API to know what's safe and what isn't.
Note: this section of documentation only explained how to render static data. You will learn to render dynamic data including dynamic lists of children in Reactive Data section.
HTML Entities
Laminar does not attempt to parse your strings as HTML, so there is no need to use HTML entities like " "
or "&"
. Instead, you just insert the actual character into your Scala strings.
Laminar actually provides a shorthand for non-breaking space – nbsp
– because it would otherwise be visually indistinguishable from regular space in your code. For any other special characters you can just use them verbatim, e.g. "»"
instead of or "»"
div(b("Posts"), "»", categoryName) // `»` instead of `»`
div("Features — not bugs") // `—` instead of `&emdash;`
Empty Nodes
Thanks to the nodeOptionToModifier
implicit mentioned above, you can use Option[ReactiveElement]
where a Modifier
is expected, but in other cases you might not want to deal with Option's boxing.
And so, an empty DOM node can be created with... emptyNode
val node: Node = if (foo) element else emptyNode
outputs an empty HTML comment node, which is a CommentNode
, not a ReactiveElement
. Their common type is ChildNode[dom.Node]
, aliased as simply Node
. This type hierarchy mirrors the JS world where dom.Comment
nodes and dom.Text
nodes are not dom.Element
-s, but all of them are dom.Node
Manual Application
Typically you want to apply modifiers to an element when creating it: div(color := "red", ...)
To add modifiers to an already existing element, call amend
on it:
val el = div("Hello")
color := "red",
span("a new child!")
This is convenient not only to break apart your logic, but also because el.amend()
returns this
, it is especially useful to add arbitrary behaviour to abstracted away "components". The following example uses Reactive Data that we haven't covered yet, but hopefully the pattern is clear enough:
val nameVar = Var("")
def TextInput(): Input = input(typ := "text")
"Please enter your name: ",
TextInput().amend(onInput --> nameVar)
is another variation of amend
that provides access to thisNode
similar to inContext
, for the sake of reducing boilerplate:
val nameVar = Var("")
def TextInput(): Input = input(typ := "text")
// Traditional style
TextInput().amend { inContext { thisNode =>
onInput.mapTo(thisNode.ref.value) --> nameVar
// Use amendThis to reduce inContext boilerplate
TextInput().amendThis { thisNode =>
onInput.mapTo(thisNode.ref.value) --> nameVar
// But for `ref.value` specifically, just do this:
onInput.mapToValue --> nameVar
// List[Mod[El]] is implicitly converted to Mod[El]
// so you can specify several modifiers like this:
TextInput().amendThis { thisNode => List(
onInput.mapTo(thisNode.ref.value) --> nameVar, // Note: `mapToValue` is easier, does not require thisNode --> clickObserver
And of course, every Modifier has a public apply(element: El)
method that you can use to manually apply it to any element, for example: (color := "red")(element)
Using amend
judiciously is the backbone of good Laminar component patterns, but make sure that you don't over-rely on manual applications of modifiers as this can result in a messy imperative codebase. Learn to use Reactive Data effectively.
Sometimes you need to have a reference to the element before you can decide which modifier to apply to it. For example, one use case is getting dimensions or coordinates in response to some event.
div(inContext(thisNode => onClick.mapTo(getCoordinates(thisNode)) --> bus))
The general syntax of this feature is inContext(El => Modifier[El]): Modifier[El]
. thisNode
refers to the element to which this modifier will be applied.
Without getting ahead of ourselves too much, onClick.mapTo(getCoordinates(thisNode)) --> bus)
is a Modifier that handles onClick
events on an element, but as you see it needs a reference to that element. You could get that reference in a couple other ways, for example:
// Make sure to write out the type ascription
val thisNode: Div = div(onClick.mapTo(getCoordinates(thisNode)) --> bus)
val thisNode = div()
thisNode.amend( --> bus
But these are of course rather cumbersome. inContext
provides a fairly easy, inline, and universal solution, but in modern Laminar it's actually not needed all that often due to all the other helpers with have for the specific things that we previously used inContext
for, such as onInput.mapToValue
(see section below).
Note: all the unfamiliar syntax used here will be explained in subsequent sections of this documentation.
When not to use inContext
is rarely needed in modern Laminar.
You don't need to use inContext
to get an input element's current value: use the mapToValue
event processor, e.g. input(onInput.mapToValue --> stringBus)
Similarly, don't use inContext
to get a checkbox's checked
status, use the mapToChecked
, e.g. input(typ := "checkbox", onClick.mapToValue --> stringBus)
Under the hood, mapToValue
and mapToChecked
look at
You also don't need inContext
to apply stream operators to events. In older versions of Laminar, if you wanted to delay an event, you would need to do this:
div(inContext( --> observer))
or use a weirdly curried composeEvents
div(composeEvents(onClick)(_.delay(10)) --> observer)
Nowadays, we have a more straightforward compose
method that lets you use stream operators with DOM events:
div(onClick.compose(_.delay(10)) --> observer)
In fact, you don't even need to spell out compose
, it's aliased as apply
. Yes, I get lazier over time:
div(onClick(_.delay(10)) --> observer)
You can also use delay
on the observer side:
div(onClick --> observer.delay(10))
Other Modifier Helpers
helps with type inference: List("text", span("element"))
return type is List[java.Object]
, which is not usable from Laminar, whereas nodeSeq("text", span("element"))
returns the same exact list, but it's typed as List[ChildNode.Base]
– something Laminar can render.
does the exact same thing – return a list of its inputs, but it's typed to allow any kinds of modifiers, not just nodes.
is an empty comment node. It's a node that Laminar can put in the element tree, that does not render anything. Use it e.g. as a default value for an argument expecting a node, when you don't want to use the Option type with a None default. See Empty nodes.
is a Modifier that does not do anything, for similar purposes as emptyNode
is a string containing a non-breakable whitespace character. See HTML Entities
Reusing Elements
Do not. An element can only have one parent element at a time, so you can't put the same element into two different locations in the DOM at the same time – instead of being "copied" to the new location, the element will be removed from its old location and moved into its new location. If you feel the need to "copy" an element like this, you probably just want to make the element a def
instead of a val
, so that accessing it the second time would create a new element with the same props / attrs / etc. instead of resuing the original instance which is already used elsewhere.
For example, this contrieved code will not render "hello" twice. It will put the span
inside the outer div, then immediately move it to the inner div, so "hello" will only be rendered once, inside the inner div.
val el = span("hello")
div(el, div(el))
If that is what you wanted, that's fine, Laminar will not break, it's just weird. However, you probably intended to render "hello" twice, in both the outer and inner div, and for that you want to make el
a def
instead of a val
, so that when it's used the second time, a new element is created instead of reusing the first instance of el
Missing Keys
What do you do if you want to use a less-popular HTML attribute or prop that Laminar does not (yet) have? How do you define custom attributes, custom html props, styles, etc.?
Laminar gets the definition of HTML and SVG DOM tags, attributes, properties, events and CSS styles from Scala DOM Types. These definitions provide hundreds of keys, but they are not exhaustive. For example, we don't have CSS grid properties like grid-area
defined, so those are not available to be put on the left hand side of :=
To work around this, you can contribute definitions of missing attrs / props / etc. to Scala DOM Types. It's easy – you don't even need to code any logic, just need to specify the names and types of the things you want to add. For example, the value
property is defined at the bottom of PropDefs.scala. Read this to understand the difference between props and attributes and reflected attributes.
Alternatively, you can define the keys locally in your project in the same manner as Laminar does it, for example:
import com.raquo.laminar.codecs.*
val superValue: HtmlProp[String, String] = htmlProp("superValue", StringAsIsCodec) // imaginary prop
val onTouchMove: EventProp[dom.TouchEvent] = eventProp("touchmove")
superValue := "imaginary prop example",
onTouchMove --> eventBus
And similarly with styleProp
, htmlAttr
, htmlTag
, svgAttr
, svgTag
I mentioned onTouchMove
as an example, but you don't have to do this for touch events specifically, because @felher already added them to address this particular shortcoming. Unless you want touch events regardless of that, in which case, you're welcome to it.
Some more examples of real attrs / props (that may already exist in Laminar):
import com.raquo.laminar.codecs.*
val tabIndex: HtmlProp[Int, Int] = htmlProp("tabIndex", IntAsIsCodec) //
val asyncAttr: HtmlAttr[Boolean] = htmlAttr("async", BooleanAsAttrPresenceCodec) //
val decodingAttr: HtmlProp[String, String] = htmlProp("decoding", StringAsIsCodec) //
Modifiers FAQ
Yes, you can create custom Modifiers by simply extending the Modifier trait. However, if your modifier creates multiple subscriptions / binds multiple observables, you should look at the implementation of
, and if applicable, wrap the part of your code that creates several subscriptions at once inTransaction.onStart.shared
.No, Modifiers are not guaranteed to be idempotent. Applying the same Modifier to the same element multiple times might have different results compared to applying it only once.
s likekey := value
are idempotent, but for example aBinder
likeonClick --> observer
isn't – applying it twice will create two independent subscriptions. We will talk more about those modifier types later.Yes, Modifiers are generally reusable. The same modifier can usually be applied to multiple nodes without any conflict. But again, you have to understand what the modifier does. Setting an attribute to a particular value – sure, reusable. Adding a particular element as a child – no, not reusable – see Reusing Elements. If you're writing your own Modifier and want to make it reusable, don't store element-specific state outside its
Reactive Data
In the code snippets above we're mounting a completely static element – it will not change over time. This section is about creating elements that will one way or another change over time. All of the above were just the basic mechanics, here we're digging into the meat of Laminar, the fun parts.
In a virtual DOM library like React or Snabbdom, changing an element over time is achieved by creating a new virtual element that contains the information on what the element should look like, then running a diffing algorithm on this new virtual element and the previous virtual element representing the same real JS DOM element. Said diffing algorithm will come up with a list of operations that need to be performed on the underlying JS DOM element in order to bring it to the state prescribed by the new virtual element you've created.
Laminar does not work like that. We use reactive observables to represent things changing over time. Let's see how this is much simpler than any virtual DOM.
Laminar uses Airstream observables (event streams and signals). Airstream is an integral part of Laminar, and a huge part of what makes it unique.
To use Laminar effectively, you need to understand the principles of conventional lazy streams, and have basic knowledge of Airstream. Please do read Airstream documentation, it will save you a lot of guesswork.
Attributes and Properties
Dynamic attributes / properties / css properties are the simplest use case for Laminar's reactive layer:
val prettyColorStream: EventStream[String] = ???
val myDiv: Div = div(color <-- prettyColorStream, "Hello")
This creates a div element with the word "Hello" in it, and a dynamically updated color
CSS property. Any time the prettyColorStream
emits an event, this element's color
property will be updated to the emitted value.
The method <--
is defined on class StyleProp
, which is the type of color
. It creates a Binder
modifier that subscribes to the given stream. This subscription is automatically enabled when the div element is added into the DOM, and automatically disabled when the div is removed from the DOM. More on that in the sections Ownership and Element Lifecycle Hooks way below. Don't worry about that for now.
The important takeaway here is that color <-- prettyColorStream
is a Modifier, and so simply writing out that expression does not activate any logic or create any subscription. For the modifier to do its job, you need to pass color <-- prettyColorStream
to the element on which you want to update the color
property, like we pass it to div
in the code snippet above.
To make sure you don't accidentally leave modifiers unused, you might want to enable the Scala compiler's options to warn you about unused and discarded values.
Event Streams and Signals
What happens before prettyColorStream
emits its first event? To understand that, we need a primer on Airstream reactive variables:
EventStream is a lazy Observable without a concept of "current value". It represents events that happen at discrete points in time. Philosophically, there is no such thing as a "current event" or "initial event", so streams have no initial or "current" value.
Signal are also lazy Observables, but unlike streams they do have a current value. Signal represents state – a value persisted over time. It always has a current value, and therefore it must have an initial value.
The <--
method subscribes to the given observable and updates the DOM whenever the observable emits. prettyColorStream
is an EventStream, so it will only emit if and when the next event comes in. So, until that time, Laminar will not set the color property to any initial or default value.
On the other hand, if prettyColorStream
was a Signal, the subscription inside the <--
method would have set the color property to the observable's current value as soon as the element was added to the DOM, and would behave similarly to a stream subscription afterwards.
We said that EventStreams and Signals are lazy – that means they wouldn't run without an Observer. By creating a subscription, the <--
method creates an Observer of the observable that it is given, so we know for sure that it will run (while the element is mounted into the DOM).
Individual Children
One very important takeaway from the val myDiv: Div = div(color <-- prettyColorStream, "Hello")
example is that myDiv
is an element, not a stream of elements, even though it depends on a stream. Think about it: you are not creating new elements when prettyColorStream
emits an event, you are merely setting a style property to a new value on an existing element. This is very efficient and is in stark contrast to the amount of work a virtual DOM needs to do in order to perform a simple change like this.
So, Laminar elements manage themselves. A ReactiveElement
encapsulates all the reactive updates that are happening inside. This means that you can add an element as a child without knowing how it's implemented or whether it's even static or dynamic. So a simple component could look like this:
// Define your "Component"
def Caption(caption: String, colorStream: EventStream[String]): HtmlElement = {
span(color <-- colorStream, caption)
// Now use it
val prettyColorStream: EventStream[String] = ???
val myDiv: HtmlElement = div(
"Hello ",
Caption("World", prettyColorStream)
This lets you build loosely coupled applications very easily.
Having a stable reference to myDiv
also simplifies your code significantly. If myDiv was a stream of divs instead, you'd need to engage in a potentially complex composition exercise to access the latest version of the element. Such useless complexity really adds up as your application grows, and eliminating needless complexity is one of Laminar's most important goals.
However, there is a use case for streams of elements. Laminar elements are tied one-to-one to real JS DOM elements, so if you need a different type of element displayed, you will need to re-create the Laminar element. For example:
def MaybeBlogUrl(maybeUrlSignal: Signal[Option[String]]): Signal[HtmlElement] = { {
case Some(url) => a(href := url, "a blog")
case None => i("no blog")
val maybeBlogUrlSignal: Signal[Option[String]] = ???
val app: HtmlElement = div(
"Hello, I have ",
child <-- MaybeBlogUrl(maybeBlogUrlSignal),
", isn't it great?"
It should be pretty obvious what this does: MaybeBlogUrl
maps input Signal to a Signal of Laminar elements, and child <-- MaybeBlogUrl(maybeBlogUrlSignal)
creates a subscription that puts these elements into the div.
The elements are put in the obvious order – what you see is what you get – so, between "Hello, I have " and ", isn't it great?" text nodes. Each next emitted element replaces the previously emitted one in the DOM.
This example uses Signals, but EventStream-s work similarly.
You might notice that this is not as efficient as it could be. Any time maybeBlogUrlSignal
emits a new value, a new element is created, even if we're moving from Some(url1)
to Some(url2)
. And those are real JS DOM elements, so if this method is hit often we might want to optimize for that. For example, we could do this:
def renderBlogLink(urlSignal: Signal[String]): HtmlElement = {
a(href <-- urlSignal, "a blog")
def MaybeBlogUrl(maybeUrlSignal: Signal[Option[String]]): Signal[HtmlElement] = {
lazy val noBlog = i("no blog")
val maybeLinkSignal: Signal[Option[HtmlElement]] =
maybeUrlSignal.splitOption((_, urlSignal) => renderBlogLink(urlSignal))
The main hero of this pattern is Airstream's split
operator, or rather its splitOption
variation, to be more precise. It's designed specifically to avoid re-rendering of elements in this kind of situation. We will explain its operation in detail when talking about performant children
rendering below, but in short, thanks to splitOption
, renderBlogLink
is called only when maybeUrlSignal
switches from None
to Some(url)
. When it goes from Some(url1)
to Some(url2)
, renderBlogLink
is not called, instead, urlSignal
is updated, and href <-- urlSignal
updates the blog url inside the already-created a
Also note that we only create one noBlog
element, and reuse it every time maybeUrlSignal emits None
, instead of creating a new such element every time.
You don't actually need to unmount elements in order to hide them from view. You can achieve a similar effect by rendering both the link and no-link elements at the same time inside a container, and hiding one of them with CSS (display <-- ...
). That way both elements will remain mounted all the time, but one of them will be hidden.
When engaging in such optimizations, you have to ask yourself – is it worth it? Re-creating a JS DOM element – what we were trying to avoid in this example – is only a problem when you need to do it often (performance), or when that element needs to maintain some JS DOM state (e.g. input
elements will lose focus if re-created). To put this in the context of our example – if maybeUrlSignal
is expected to emit only a few times during a user session, just use the dumbest shortest version of MaybeBlogUrl
instead of optimizing it for no reason. Less code – less bugs. But if you're building some kind of BlogRoulette app that updates the blog URL a hundred times per second, or if the element being re-created is very complex (e.g. it's your entire app or a big section thereof) then yeah, better optimize it.
Optional children
If you have an Observable[Option[Node]]
instead of Observable[Node]
, and you don't want to render anything when the observable emits None
, you can use child.maybe
in a similar manner:
val maybeBlogLink: Signal[Option[HtmlElement]] = ???
child.maybe <-- maybeBlogLink
Text and text-like values
If you want to render dynamic text, do not do this:
val textStream: EventStream[String] = ???
div(child <-- => span(str))) // No! Bad!
Technically that would work, but you are needlessly creating a new span
element every time you want to update the text. Instead, use the text
val textStream: EventStream[String] = ???
div(text <-- textStream)
div(child.text <-- textStream) // Same thing, original name from before v17
This is the most efficient way to render dynamic text in Laminar, and you should prefer it every time to using child <--
whenever possible.
The text
receiver works not only with strings, but also other primitive types like numbers and booleans. Laminar can render any A
as a string as long as there is an implicit instance of RenderableText[A]
for it. You can define such instances for your custom types, or you can define such instances for built-in types like Int
to render them differently from the default, e.g. by adding formatting.
implicit val intRenderable0000: RenderableText[Int] = RenderableText("%04d".format(_))
class Foo { ... }
implicit val fooRenderable: RenderableText[Foo] = RenderableText(fooToString)
// will render as "true" or "false" using built-in bool renderable implicit
text <-- streamOfBooleans,
// will render numbers with leading zeroes (e.g. "0001") because of `intRenderable0000`
text <-- streamOfInts
// will render Foo-s to string using `fooRenderable`
new Foo {},
text <-- streamOfFoos
Rendering Custom Components
Laminar has no built-in notion of a component, but for the purposes of this section let's say it's some custom type C
that exposes a Laminar element, e.g. trait Component { val node: HtmlElement = ??? }
You could render such components in Laminar simply by calling .node
on them, however if you are making heavy use of this pattern, it might get repetitive. Instead of defining an implicit conversion from Component
to HtmlElement
, you should define an implicit instance of RenderableNode[Component]
, then you'll be able to use Component
in any Laminar context that expects an element, i.e. you would be able to say child <-- streamOfComponents
To create a RenderableNode[Component]
, you need to provide a Component => Node
function, in our case that would be _.node
. As explained in RenderableNode's scaladoc, this function must return a constant. Basically your node
should be either a val
or a lazy val
, it must not be a var
or a def
, otherwise you might run into unexpected behaviour or performance issues.
Lists of Children
Rendering dynamic lists of children efficiently is one of the most challenging parts in UI libraries, and Laminar has a few solutions for that.
children <-- observableOfElements
// Can be any Seq-like collection
val childrenSignal: Signal[List[Node]] = ???
div("Hello, ", children <-- childrenSignal)
If you have an Observable of desired children elements, this is the most straightforward way to subscribe to it.
Internally, this <--
method keeps track of prevChildren and nextChildren. It then reconciles the two lists, but it does not do heavy, recursive diffing that virtual DOM libraries do. Laminar only compares elements by reference equality, we do not diff any attributes / props / state / children, and we do not "re-render" anything like React does.
We make a single pass through nextChildren, and detect any inconsistencies by checking that nextChildren(i).ref == childrenInDom(i)
(simplified). If this is false, we look at prevChildren to see what happened – whether the child was created, moved, or deleted. The algorithm is short (<50LoC total) but efficient, scaling up to thousands of elements – more than you can feasibly show to a user anyway.
Laminar will perform absolutely minimal operations that make sense – for example if a new element needs to be inserted, that is the only thing that will happen, and this new element is the only element for which Laminar will spend time figuring out what to do, because all others will match. Reorderings are probably the worst case performance-wise, but still no worse than virtual DOM. You can read the full algorithm in ChildrenInserter.updateChildren
However, this algorithm has a catch – since it's only doing reference equality checks on the elements, and since Laminar has no concept of virtual elements, it would be very inefficient with naive code like children <-- => => div(
, because such an implementation would create N new div
elements (one for each model in the list) every time modelsSignal
emits, regardless of how the list has changed. Of course, we have an easy solution to that – read on.
Note: a given DOM node / element can not exist in multiple locations in the DOM at the same time. Therefore, the Seq-s you provide to children <--
must not contain multiple references to the same element. This is on you, as Laminar does not spend CPU cycles to verify this. Generally this isn't a problem unless you're deliberately caching elements for reuse in this manner. If you are doing that, consider using the split
operator explained below to automate that.
Performant Children Rendering – split
Note: This mechanism is important to understand. If the explanation below is not clear, try the explanation in the video.
We've now established how children <-- childrenObservable
algorithm works, now let's see how to compile childrenObservable
to get efficient updates. Basically, we just need to use Airstream's split
method. But before we dive into that, let's see what the problem is when we don't use split
Suppose you want to render a dynamic list of users. The set of users, their order, and the attributes of individual users can all change – except for user id, which uniquely identifies a given user. You also know how to render an individual user element:
case class User(id: String, name: String)
val usersStream: EventStream[List[User]] = ???
def renderUser(user: User): Div = {
p("user id: ",,
p("name: ",
Given this, you might be tempted to render users like this:
val userElementsStream: EventStream[List[Div]] = =>
children <-- userElementsStream
This will work, but it is inefficient. Every time usersStream
emits a new list of users, Laminar re-creates DOM elements for every single user in the list, and then replaces all of the old elements with those new ones.
This is the kind of situation that virtual DOM was designed to avoid. While this pattern is perfectly fine for small lists that don't update often (and assuming you don't care about losing DOM element state such as the text the user typed in an input box), with larger lists and frequent updates there is a lot of needless work being done.
So does this mean that virtual DOM is more efficient than Laminar when rendering large lists of dynamic children? Yes, if you render children as described above. This might be a surprising admission, but this default is necessary to uphold Laminar's core value: simplicity. There is no magic in Laminar. Laminar does what we tell it to do, and in this case we very explicitly tell it to create a list of elements every time the stream emits a new list of users, and then replace the old elements with brand-new ones.
So let's write smarter code. It's actually very easy.
All we need to do is adjust our renderUser
function to take a different set of parameters:
def newRenderUser(userId: String, initialUser: User, userSignal: Signal[User]): HtmlElement = {
p("user id: " + userId),
p("name: ", text <--
And with this, efficient rendering is as simple as:
val userElementsSignal: EventStream[List[HtmlElement]] =
children <-- userElementsSignal
Airstream's split
operator was designed specifically for this use case. On a high level, you need three things to use it:
– a stream (or signal) ofSeq[User]
– a way to uniquely identify usersnewRenderUser
– a way to render a user into a single element given its unique key (id
), the initial instance of that user (initialUser
), and a signal of updates to that same user (userSignal
To clarify, Airstream-provided userSignal
is a safe and performant equivalent to == userId).get)
. It provides you with updates of one specific user.
Here is how split
works in more detail:
- As soon as a
with id="123" first appears inusersStream
, we callnewRenderUser
to render it. This gives us adiv
element that we will reuse for all future versions of this user. - We remember this
element. WheneverusersStream
emits a list that includes a new version of the id="123" User, theuserSignal
emits this new version. - Similarly, when other users are updated in
their updates are scoped to their own invocations ofnewRenderUser
. The grouping happens bykey
, which in our case is theid
. - When the list emitted by
no longer contains a User with id="123", we remove itsdiv
element from the output and forget that we ever made it. - Thus
contains a list ofdiv
elements matching one-to-one to the users in theusersStream
So, the split
operator lets us build an Observable[Seq[HtmlElement]]
without needlessly re-creating html elements. For any given userId
, we will only create and render a single element, and any subsequent updates to this user will be channeled into its individual userSignal
, so that the div element that we already created for this user can be efficiently updated (using text <--
in this case), instead of being re-created every time.
This is exactly what Laminar's children <-- observableOfElements
needs to work efficiently.
The list of models you're providing to the split operator must not have items with duplicate keys in it – each key in the list must be unique. By default, if Airstream detects duplicate IDs, it will print an error in the browser console listing the offending IDs, however with or without the warning, you code will fail – at the moment split
does not tolerate such input. For performance-critical applications, you can disable these checks for a small gain, either wholesale or (preferably) on a case-by-case basis – see DuplicateKeysCondig
in Airstream.
Splitting Without a Key
The split
operator requires a unique key for each item, such as
. But what if you don't have such a key?
One option is to change your model to create an ephemeral key, that is generated on the frontend and never sent to the backend. Airstream does not need the key to be meaningful or consistent across user sessions – the key simply needs to uniquely identify a certain item in the dynamic list for as long as Laminar is rendering that list.
Another, simpler solution, is often quite workable – with splitByIndex
you can use the index of the item in the list as its key. That way, when you append an item to the list, existing items will not be re-rendered, or if you update the data in some item(s), their elements won't be re-created. However, I don't recommend using this if you will be inserting new items in the beginning or the middle of the list, or if you will be reordering the list of items – such cases really call for a proper key.
Splitting Options and Other Types
If you are rendering an Observable[Option[HtmlElement]]
, you might want to use splitOption
as shown in the Rendering Individual Children section above. Now that we have a better understanding of how split
works, it's easy to see how splitOption
is simply using the Option's .isDefined
as a key, creating a new element when switching from None
to Some(model)
, and retaining the same element when switching from Some(model1)
to Some(model2)
Airstream also has another variation of splitOption
, as well as splitEither
and even splitBoolean
– see Airstream docs for those.
Splitting Individual Items
Now that you know how the split
operator works, it's only a small leap to understand its special-cased cousin splitOne
. Where split
works on observables of collections like List[Foo]
, splitOne
works on observables of Foo
itself, that is, on any observable:
case class Editor(text: Boolean, isMultiLine: Boolean)
def renderEditor(
isMultiLine: Boolean,
initialEditor: Editor,
editorSignal: Signal[Editor]
): HtmlElement = {
val tag = if (isMultiLine) textArea else input
tag(value <--
val inputSignal: Signal[Editor] = ???
val outputSignal: Signal[HtmlElement] =
inputSignal.split(key = _.isMultiLine)(project = renderEditor)
The high-level purpose of this code is to avoid creating a new element when inputSignal
emits a new value. The interesting part is when we do need to create the new element: when the Editor's isMultiline
property changes, we need to switch to using either a single-line <input>
element, or a multi-line textArea
. Changing the type of the element is one kind of update that is impossible to do without re-creating the element.
Another use case for this is when you want to reset a complex component's state, for example:
case class Document(id: String, content: DocumentContent, ...)
def editor(
documentId: Boolean,
initialDocument: Document,
documentSignal: Signal[Document]
): HtmlElement = {
val documentState = Var(initialDocument)
... // More complex setup here, with some internal state specific to a particular document
someInput --> documentState, --> documentState,
documentState --> ...
val inputSignal: Signal[Document] = ???
val outputSignal: Signal[HtmlElement] =
inputSignal.split(key = = editor)
In this case we don't have a strict technical constraint like changing the element type that we need to work around. In principle, we don't absolutely need splitOne
. However, imagine that this component is rendering an editor for a complex document, similar to e.g. Google Docs. This kind of component has a lot of internal state which is all tied to a specific document, to a specific document ID. When inputSignal
emits an update to the current document (documentId is the same), we want documentSignal
to update as usual, but when inputSignal
emits a new document ID... we don't want to manually clear / reset all that complex documentId
-specific state inside editor
– with all the redundant state / caches / etc. in it, this could easily become prone to bugs. It would be much easier to simply discard the old editor component and create a new one for the new document. And this is exactly what the code above does. Less code – less bugs.
In other words, our splitOne
code above guarantees that every instance of documentSignal
will always have unchanging
matching documentId
, and that the editor
method will be called whenever we switch to rendering a new documentId
This all might seem similar to what a distinct
operator would do, and indeed there is some conceptual overlap, because distinct
is a fundamental part of split
semantics, but you will be hard pressed to implement this pattern with distinct
instead of splitOne
, at least if you have a single observable like Signal[Document]
as your input.
Performant Children Rendering – children.command
In certain cases such as rendering live logs, it might be easier for you to tell Laminar when you want items added or removed to the list instead of giving it an entire updated list of children:
val commandBus = new EventBus[ChildrenCommand]
val commandStream =
div("Hello, ", children.command <-- commandStream)
EventBus is an Airstream data structure that contains both an Observer (.writer
) and an EventStream (.events
). It's basically an event stream that you send events to by invoking the Observer. A more complete example:
val commandBus = new EventBus[ChildrenCommand]
val commandStream =
var counter = 0
"Hello, ",
children.command <-- commandStream,
"Add a child", { _ =>
counter += 1
CollectionCommand.Append(span(s"Child # $counter"))
} --> commandBus
We'll explain the -->
method and the rest of event handling in later sections. What's important is that in this example we're sending CollectionCommand.Append(span(s"Child # $counter"))
events to commandBus
on every button click.
The ChildrenCommand approach offers the best performance on Laminar side. Since you are directly telling Laminar what to do, no logic stands between your code and Laminar executing your requests. There is no diffing involved.
That said, don't go crazy trying to adapt your logic to it. Airstream's split
operator described in the previous section offers great performance too. Choose the method that feels more natural for your needs, and micro-optimize later, if needed.
One downside of ChildrenCommand is that you don't have an observable of the list of children naturally available to you, so if you want to display e.g. the number of children somewhere, you will need to create an observable for that yourself. For example:
val commandBus = new EventBus[ChildrenCommand.Append[HtmlElement]]
val commandStream =
val countSignal = commandStream.scanLeft(initial = 0)(_ + 1)
"Hello, ",
children.command <-- commandStream,
"Add a child", _ => CollectionCommand.Append(span(s"Just another child"))) --> commandBus),
"Number of children: ",
text <--
This would need more work if we wanted to support other actions such as removals, and you need to be careful to not overcomplicate things here, especially if you're only doing this for performance reasons. Make sure you actually have a performance problem first.
You can mix both child <-- ...
and children <-- ...
and children.command <-- ...
and any other children or modifiers in any order inside one element, and they will happily coexist with no interference. Correct order of elements will be maintained even in edge cases such as showing zero elements. Laminar adds a sentinel HTML comment node into the DOM for each child* <-- ...
receiver to make this possible. These nodes effectively "reserve the spot" for children provided by a particular receiver.
As of Laminar 15, you can generally safely move elements from one child* <-- ...
block into another – to do that you would need to remove the child from the source observable and add it to the new observable. Although, you don't really need to proactively remove the child from the old observable if the old observable will not emit this child again, Laminar is resilient to this kind of thing.
Rendering Mutable Collections
In general, us Scala connoisseurs prefer to work with immutable collections, as this let us write code in more declarative, less imperative style, that is thought to be less error prone and more maintainable. In Laminar, this would most often mean rendering children from an observable of an immutable collection of elements, e.g.:
val usersVar = Var[List[User]](???)
// Render
div(children <-- usersVar.signal.split(_.userId)(renderUser))
// Update
usersVar.update(_.updated(ix, newUser))
This is all polite and good, however, in order to make even small updates to the immutable collection, we need to re-create the entire immutable collection, because the original one is, well, immutable. In rare cases, this update can be slow enough to warrant an optimization. Specifically, you could use a mutable collection, such as any collection.mutable.Seq
, scala.Array
, js.Array
, or even ew.JsArray
, instead of the immutable List
As of v17, Laminar and Airstream will handle mutable collections just fine – split
will work, children <--
will work, etc. – but you do need to remember that simply mutating a mutable collection stored in a Var
does not cause the Var to emit any updates – you do actually need to call Var.set
or Var.update
to propagate the mutated value:
val usersArr = js.Array[User](???)
val usersVar = Var[js.Array[User]](arr)
// Render - same as before
div(children <-- usersVar.signal.split(_.userId)(renderUser))
// Incorrect – This will mutate `usersArr`, but WILL NOT cause `usersVar` to emit an update.
// arr.update(ix, newUser)
// Correct – This will mutate `usersArr`, AND will cause `usersVar` to emit an update
usersVar.update { arr =>
arr.update(ix, newUser)
arr // return the same, now mutated, array
In this snippet, we're updating usersArr
in-place, and then triggering the Var to emit that same array, now mutated. We gained efficiency because we didn't need to re-create the List when triggering this update. We also likely gained efficiency because js.Array
is in general faster than List
, but that's incidental to us using it as a mutable collection.
And that's about it. As you see, there isn't much reason to resort to mutable types for the sake of efficiency. Proper use of split
, and potentially using fast JS collections like js.Array
or ew.JsVector
will likely yield more of a boost.
Laminar doesn't just support rendering mutable collections for the rare cases when it matters for performance, but also to reduce the mutable-to-immutable conversion overhead when consuming APIs that return mutable arrays, such as Scala 3 enums values()
method, or the many JS APIs that return js.Array
Finally, one important caveat when using observables of mutable collections: Airstream's distinct
operator only works properly with immutable values. If you emit the same mutated instance multiple times in a row, distinct
will simply filter out the subsequent events because it remembers the last emitted event by reference, and if you mutate that reference, you're mutating both the "next event" and the "previous event" values that this operator compares internally, so distinct
will never see what it would consider to be a distinct update.
Dynamic children-rendering constructs like text <-- observable
, children <-- observable
, child(element) <-- boolObservable
are all Inserter
-s: in short, they know how to insert nodes in a given location in the Laminar element tree. Specifically, all of these are DynamicInserter
-s, since they can render different elements over time.
In contrast, static elements and text nodes like div("hello")
or just "hello"
, are implicitly convertable to StaticInserter
, which is also a subtype of Inserter.
If you ever wanted to make an API that accepts either static or dynamic children, either one or many children, but Modifier
is too broad of a type, you can choose to accept the Inserter
type. This is what onMountInsert
callback does for example, allowing you to render any kind of node(s).
Binding Observables
By now you must have realized that -->
and <--
methods are the main syntax to connect / bind / subscribe observables to observers in Laminar.
To be more precise, such methods always return a Modifier
that needs to be applied to an element. And when it is applied, a dynamic subscription is created such that it activates when the element is mounted, and deactivates when the element gets unmounted. The types of such modifiers are Binder
for those that deal with props / attributes / events / etc., and Inserter
for those that add children to the element.
Inserters are special because they reserve a spot in the element's children where the children provided by the Inserter will be inserted. How does that work? When an Inserter is applied to an element, it appends a sentinel node to the element – just an empty, invisible CommentNode
. When it's time to insert some children, the inserter either replaces the sentinel node with the next child node (in case of text <-- ...
), or inserts the new child(ren) right after the sentinel node (in case of child <-- ...
, child.maybe <-- ...
, and children <-- ...
). That way your dynamic children will always appear where you expect them to, and you can mix and match any number of child inserters in a single parent element, and you can move children from one inserter to another without re-creating the element.
So far we've talked about Binders and Inserters provided by Laminar. But what if you want to subscribe an arbitrary Observable to an arbitrary Observer? First of all – why would you even need Laminar's help in this? The answer is Ownership – in order to create an Airstream Subscription, you need an Owner
, and in 99.9% cases you don't want to create those manually. You want to use owners provided by Laminar. In fact, what you really want is to avoid the ownership boilerplate altogether. When you sent click events to an observer using onClick --> observer
, you didn't need to think about owners. That was nice.
It should come naturally that Laminar offers a similar way to bind any observable to any observer:
val eventStream: EventStream[A] = ???
val eventBus: EventBus[A] = ???
val observable: Observable[A] = ???
val observer: Observer[A] = ???
def doSomething(value: A): Unit = ???
div(observable --> observer)
div(observable --> doSomething)
div(eventStream --> eventBus.writer)
div(eventStream --> eventBus) // same as above
Now, what's your intuition for how long any of these subscriptions will live? Subscriptions can't just live forever, they are leaky resources and need to be shut down when they are no longer needed. Airstream offers a way to manage this automatically using Owners
. But you don't see any Owner
s here (there's nothing implicit
The answer was a few paragraphs ago. Subscriptions created by modifiers (and observable --> observer
is a Modifier
, a Binder
to be exact) are activated when the element to which that modifier is applied is mounted, and deactivated when the element is unmounted. This was entirely seamless for onClick --> observer
because users wouldn't be able to click on your element when it was unmounted anyway, but for arbitrary observables you need to be aware that their subscription is deactivated when the element is unmounted. That would mean that if observable
doesn't have any other observers, it would stop (See Lazyness section in Airstream docs if you're not sure why).
The lifecycle of subscriptions is discussed in greater detail in the Ownership section below.
Other Binders
val focusStream: EventStream[Boolean]
input(focus <-- focusStream)
You can dynamically focus or blur an element by emitting true
or false
respectively. Keep in mind that this is just compositional sugar over calling myInput.ref.focus()
or myInput.ref.blur()
with all the same limitations – emitting true
once will not make Laminar enforce focused state on the input until you emit false
. If the user clicks away from the focused element, the focus will still be lost, and if you need it otherwise, you'll have to code that yourself.
Speaking of focus, Laminar provides a simple onMountFocus
modifier that focuses the element when it's mounted into the DOM. It's like the HTML autoFocus
attribute that actually works for dynamic content.
Conditional Rendering
This section offers examples of rendering elements based on some condition, whether static or dynamic.
A few patterns of static conditionals:
val bool: Boolean = ???
val option: Option[String] = ???
span(", and everyone")
whenNot(bool) {
if (bool) b(" world") else emptyNode
"Hello ",
if (bool)
b("world") :: Nil
div("foo") :: div("bar") :: Nil
a( => href := str), // conditionally apply a modifier => span(str))
div( => span(str)).getOrElse("– nothing –")
val element = div(/*...*/)
if (bool) {
// apply modifiers to existing element
rel := "foo",
span("Append another child")
For reactive data, you often need to compose observables to get conditional logic, e.g.:
val boolSignal: Signal[Boolean] = ???
val userStream: EventStream[User] = ???
val maybeElementSignal: Signal[Option[HtmlElement]] = ???
child <--"no data")))
child.maybe <-- maybeElementSignal
// Cache these to avoid re-creating them on repeated events
lazy val trueDiv = div("true")
lazy val falseDiv = div("false")
child <-- (_) trueDiv else falseDiv)
val maybeActiveUserSignal: Signal[Option[User]] =
.map(maybeUser => maybeUser.filter(_.isActive))
val emptyElement = span("no active user")
// using .splitOption instead of .map for efficiency
child <-- maybeActiveUserSignal.splitOption(
(initialActiveUser, activeUserSignal) => {
idAttr := s"user-${}",
text <--
ifEmpty = emptyElement
val maybeUserSignal: Signal[Option[User]] =
.combineWithFn(boolSignal, {
case (Some(user), true) => Some(user)
case _ => None
// using .splitOption instead of .map for efficiency
child.maybe <-- maybeUserSignal.splitOption(
(initialUser, userSignal) => {
idAttr := s"user-${}",
text <--
Laminar offers a couple helpers to reduce boilerplate in simple cases:
// Renders "Hello" when boolSignal value is true, nothing otherwise.
child(div("Hello")) <-- boolSignal
// Renders "Hello world" when boolSignal value is true, nothing otherwise.
div("Hello, "),
) <-- boolSignal
Rendering Loading State
Sometimes you make asynchronous requests, or perhaps you're just waiting for some static delay, and want to render something – a loading spinner or the like – while you're waiting for the response, or for the delay timer to expire. This is easy to achieve using Airstream's Async Status Operators. See Airstream docs for more details, but here's a short snippet:
val requestS: EventStream[Request] = ???
type Response = String // could be whatever
val responseS: EventStream[Status[Request, Response]] =
requestS.flatMapWithStatus { request =>
// returns EventStream[Response]
FetchStream.get(request.url, request.options)
val isLoadingS: EventStream[Boolean] =
val textS: EventStream[String] =
resolved = _.toString,
pending = _ => "Loading..."
// Example usage:
child(img(src("spinner.gif"))) <-- isLoadingS,
text <-- textS
// Or, perhaps more realistically:
child <-- responseS.splitStatus(
(resolved, _) => div("Response: " + resolved.output.toString),
(pending, _) => div(img(src("spinner.gif")), "Loading ...")
follows standard flatMap
/ flatMapSwitch
semantics. We also have similar operators for non-flatMap use cases like delayWithStatus
, which work similarly. There's also a bunch of new Status-specific helpers like foldStatus
and splitStatus
. For more details on all that, see the new Airstream documentation section Async Status Operators.
ClassName and Other Special Keys
Almost all props and attributes behave exactly the same way regarding the apply
/ :=
/ <--
methods, however a few keys are special in Laminar.
This reflected attribute (aliased as className
) contains a string with space-separated CSS class names that a given HTML or SVG element belongs to. Laminar provides a specialized API for this attribute. Consider this use case:
/* CSS */
.LabelComponent {
font-size: 20pt;
color: red;
.vip {
text-transform: uppercase;
// Scala
val veryImportant: Modifier[HtmlElement] = cls := "vip"
def Label(caption: String): HtmlElement = div(
cls := "LabelComponent",
val myLabel: HtmlElement = Label("Hi, I'm a caption.")
Here we have a Label component that we can use to render a pretty caption, and a reusable veryImportant
modifier that makes any element it is applied to look VERY IMPORTANT. This tasteless styling is provided by CSS class names LabelComponent
and vip
The code above makes it obvious that we expect myLabel
element to contain two CSS classes: LabelComponent
and vip
. However, does it? From previous documentation sections we know that the :=
method sets the value of an attribute, overriding its previous value, so in this case it looks like cls := "LabelComponent"
overrides cls := "vip"
, leaving myLabel
without the vip
Needless to say, if cls
behaved like that it would be really inconvenient to work with. Just imagine how much more complicated / coupled / inflexible you'd need to make the code to support this simple example of ours.
And so cls
does not behave like this. Instead of setting the list of CSS classes, cls := "newClass"
appends newClass
to the list of CSS classes already present on the element, so our example code works as intended.
Here are some more cls
tricks. All of these produce a Modifier[HtmlElement]
val someBoolean: Boolean = ???
// Add multiple class names
cls := ("class1", "class2")
cls := List("class1", "class2")
// Remember that apply method is alias for :=. Below is the same as above
cls("class1", "class2")
cls(List("class1", "class2"))
// Add class name conditionally (true = add, false = do nothing)
cls := ("class1" -> true, "class2" -> false)
cls := Seq("class1" -> true, "class2" -> someBoolean)
cls := (Seq("class1" -> true, "class2" -> someBoolean), Seq("class3" -> someBoolean))
cls := Map("class1" -> true, "class2" -> false)
// Add class names conditionally (true = add, false = do nothing)
cls("class1") := true
cls("class1 class2") := someBoolean
cls("class1", "class2") := true
Of course, the reactive layer is similarly considerate in regard to cls
. Consider this use case:
val classesStream: EventStream[Seq[String]] = ???
val isSelectedSignal: Signal[Boolean] = ???
cls := "MyComponent",
cls <-- classesStream,
cls("class1", "class2") <-- isSelectedSignal,
cls <-- { isSelected =>
if (isSelected) "always x-selected" else "always"
cls <-- { isSelected =>
List("always" -> true, "x-selected" -> isSelected)
cls <-- { isSelected =>
Map("always" -> true, "x-selected" -> isSelected)
Once again, we don't want the CSS class names coming in from classesStream
to override (remove) MyComponent
class name. We want that one to stay forever, and for the class names coming from classStream
to override the previous values emitted by that stream. And this is exactly how Laminar behaves. The Modifier cls <-- classesStream
keeps track of the class names that it last added to the element's cls
attribute. When a new event comes in, we remove those previously added class names and add new ones that are not already on the element.
So for example, when classesStream
emits List("class1", "class2")
, we will add those classes to the element. When it subsequently emits List("class1", "class3")
, we will remove class2
and add class3
to the element's class list.
The <--
method can be called with Observables of String
, Seq[String]
, Seq[(String, Boolean)]
, Map[String, Boolean]
, Seq[Seq[String]]
, Seq[Seq[(String, Boolean)]]
. The ones involving booleans let you issue events that instruct Laminar to remove certain classes that were previously added by this same modifier (by setting their value to false
). Importantly, cls modifiers never remove classes added by other modifiers. So if you said cls := "foo"
somewhere, no other modifier can later remove this foo
class. If you need to add and remove foo
over time, use cls("foo") <-- shouldUseFooStream
or similar dynamic modifiers.
If you (or a third party library you're using) are adding or removing class names without Laminar, using native JS APIs like ref.className = ???
and ref.classList.add(???)
, and you are also using cls
modifiers on this same element, you must take care to avoid manually adding or removing the same classes as you're setting using the cls
modifiers. Doing so may cause unexpected behaviour. Basically, a given class name on a given element should be managed either via Laminar cls
modifiers or externally via JS APIs, but not both. See the cls - third party interference
test in CompositeKeySpec
for a simple example.
Other Composite Keys
and role
are two other space-separated attributes. Their API in Laminar is exactly identical to that of cls
(see right above).
Event System: Emitters, Processors, Buses
Registering a DOM Event Listener
Laminar uses native JS DOM events. We do not have a synthetic event system like React.js. There is no event pooling, no magic going on. This means there is nothing Laminar-specific to learn about events themselves.
To start listening for DOM events, you need to register a listener for a specific event type on a specific element. In Laminar, EventListener
is a Modifier
that performs this action.
This is how it's done in the simplest case:
val clickObserver = Observer[dom.MouseEvent](onNext = ev => dom.console.log(ev.screenX))
val element: Div = div(
onClick --> clickObserver,
"Click me"
is an Airstream type that is typically used to perform side effects on incoming events. Usually it's used like this: someStream.addObserver(someObserver)(owner)
. This would ensure that someStream
runs (remember, streams are lazy), and would call someObserver.onNext(ev)
for every new event that someStream
This -->
method simply registers an event listener on element
which calls clickObserver.onNext(ev)
for every click event that comes in, and then the observer prints this event's X coordinate to the console.
The contrived example above does not feel like reactive programming at all. As shown, it's just a cumbersome way to define a simple callback. Instead, we usually want to get a stream of events from an element. To do that, we need an Observer that will expose a stream of events that it receives. In FRP terms this is usually called a "Subject" or a "PublishSubject".
In Laminar, we have an EventBus
. Same general idea, but instead of being both an Observer and an Observable, it contains them as .writer
and .events
respectively. This design makes it possible to easily share write-only or read-only parts of an EventBus, with no upcasting loopholes. You should generally avoid passing the whole EventBus to child components unless you really do need the child component to both write events to the bus and read the entirety of events written to that bus (including events written by other components into that bus).
See also: Sources & Sinks in Airstream docs.
Now let's see how we can use EventBus for the same logic:
val clickBus = new EventBus[dom.MouseEvent]
val coordinateStream: EventStream[Int] = => ev.screenX)
val coordinateObserver = Observer[Int](onNext = x => dom.console.log(x))
val element: Div = div(
onClick --> clickBus.writer,
"Click me",
coordinateStream --> coordinateObserver
onClick --> clickBus.writer
works exactly the same as the previous example, except that clickBus.writer
is now the Observer that we send the events to.
What's new here is how we subscribe coordinateObserver
to onClick
events. As we established, we first send onClick events to clickBus
. Then we have a coordinateStream
that maps every click event from clickBus
to its screenX
Finally, we subscribe coordinateObserver
to coordinateStream
to print out those coordinates on every click. This completes our contrived pipeline. In real life this component might only be exposing the stream of coordinates, and consuming components would provide their own observers. Or this same component could be deriving some of its own state from the click stream, such as tracking and displaying the number of clicks.
It's not a coincidence that coordinateStream --> coordinateObserver
syntax looks very similar to onClick --> clickBus.writer
. Both of these -->
methods create Modifiers that send events from the left hand side to the right hand side for as long as the element is mounted, conceptually speaking.
Feeding Multiple Sources into EventBus
Note that Airstream Observers, including eventBus.writer
, can subscribe to multiple observables. So you can, for example, render a dynamic list of children, each of which sends its own events to the same Observer, possibly with information included in the event needed to identify which child the event came from. You can see an example of this pattern used in TaskListView.taskViewsStream
in laminar-examples.
This can be achieved either with addSource
or addObserver
. Basically, in terms of laziness, with addSource
the EventBus behaves like a stream that merges other streams – much like stream1.mergeWith(stream2)
, but with the ability to add and remove source streams at any time. So, if you do eventBus.writer.addSource(sourceStream)(childOwner)
, sourceStream
will not be started until and unless
is started. Conversely, sourceStream.addObserver(eventBus.writer)(childOwner)
will immediately start sourceStream
even if eventBus
does not have any observers.
The best part of this pattern is that you don't need to write custom logic to call removeSource
or subscription.kill
when removing a child from the list of children. childOwner
will take care of that. Typically, that would be provided by the child Laminar element, via onMountCallback
. Such an owner kills its subscriptions when the corresponding element gets removed from the DOM.
Arrow Methods Syntax Sugar
All -->
methods accept Sink
on the right hand side. Sink[A]
is anything that can be converted to an Observer[A]
. EventBus[A]
and Var[A]
are both Sink[A]
, and Laminar also treats A => Unit
and js.Function1[A, Unit]
as if they were Sink[A]
Similarly, all the <--
methods accept Source[A]
, which is anything that can be converted to an Observable[A]
. EventBus[A]
and Var[A]
are both Source[A]
, and of course streams and signals are also Source[A]
, being observables themselves.
So, you don't need to spell out an explicit observer every time you write the arrow methods, everything below is valid syntax:
val intBus = new EventBus[Int]
val textVar = Var("")
onClick.mapTo(1) --> intBus,
value <-- textVar,
onInput.mapToValue --> textVar,
onMouseOver --> { ev => println(ev) },
onChange --> { _ => println("committed") },
onBlur.mapTo("blur") --> println
Airstream Var
-s also offer several updater
helpers that simplify updating their value where an Observer is expected, such as on the right hand side of -->
methods. See Airstream docs on this.
:=> Unit
Sometimes the syntax sugar shown above is just not good enough – not consise enough for advanced users, and not intuitive enough for beginners. For example:
is a weird variation of itsupdate
method that returns an Observer,onClick --> { _ => println("hello") }
is annoyingly verbose, andonClick.mapTo("hello") --> println
splits the responsibility in a rather weird way.
To simplify some of these usage patterns, Laminar is now treating side effects that are typed simply as :=> Unit
as valid sinks, for example:
import com.raquo.laminar.api.features.unitArrows // enable this feature
onClick --> println("hello"),
onClick --> myVar.update(_.append(""))
There is no magic to it, these --> methods
simply accept a Unit
expression, which is then re-evaluated on every event (that's what :=>
does in the function signature).
Unfortunately, while this kind of API is perfectly safe in Scala 2, that is not the case in Scala 3. Specifically, in Scala 2, the expression if (true) observer
is typed as Any
and returns observer
, whereas in Scala 3, it is typed as Unit
and returns ()
So, in Scala 3, code like div(onClick --> if (bool) observer)
would compile without warnings, but will not actually call the observer, because Scala 3 does not return the observer
from the else
-less if
branch. This is unfortunate for our use case, because beginners might legitimately try to write such code when what they really want is e.g. div(onClick.filter(_ => bool) --> observer)
To prevent such accidents, this new unit-based API requires a special import. If you forget the import, the compiler will give you an error pointing to this section of the documentation. It's up to you to choose between extra brevity and extra safety. With IntelliJ, importing the required implicit is only one command away, so it's not much of an annoyance.
Transforming Observers
You can contramap
and filter
Observers, for example:
val pieObserver: Observer[Pie] = Observer(onNext = bakePie)
val appleObserver: Observer[Apple] = pieObserver.contramap(apple => makeApplePie(apple))
def AppleComponent(observer: Observer[Apple]): Div = {
val appleStream: EventStream[Apple] = ???
"Apple Component",
appleStream --> observer,
val app = AppleComponent(appleObserver)
In this pattern AppleComponent has no knowledge of pies. All it knows is how to produce apples and send them to an apple observer. Delicious culinary metaphors aside, replace pies with ajax requests and apples with todo items that need to be created, and you can see how this separation of concerns is useful.
If your observer is a WriteBus
(e.g. myEventBus.writer
), you have even more methods available to you: filterWriter
, contramapWriter
and (gasp) contracomposeWriter
Event Processors
Event processors let you spice up the standard onClick --> eventBus
syntax with simple transformations. This API is different from observables API – it does not have complex / async operators, but it does offer DOM event specific handlers like preventDefault
, mapToValue
, etc.
val diffBus = new EventBus[Int]
val incrementButton = button("more", onClick.mapTo(1) --> diffBus)
val decrementButton = button("less", onClick.mapTo(-1) --> diffBus)
val diffStream: EventStream[Int] = // emits 1 or -1
This mapTo
method is defined on EventProcessor
, which onClick
) is implicitly converted to. Also available are mapToStrict
, map
, filter
, collect
, orElse
, stopPropagation
, mapToEvent
, mapToValue
, mapToChecked
, etc. and you can chain them in any order. See the API docs for these methods here.
More examples:
input(onInput.mapToValue --> textObserver)
input(typ := "checkbox", onClick.mapToChecked --> textObserver)
div("Click me", --> clickCoordinatesBus)
form( --> formSubmitObserver)
div(onClick.useCapture --> captureModeClickObserver)
input(onKeyUp.filter(_.keyCode == dom.KeyCode.Enter).preventDefault --> enterPressBus)
div(onClick.collect { case ev if ev.clientX > 100 => "yes" } --> yesStringBus)
// @TODO[Docs] Come up with more relatable examples
Just like EventProp
-s, EventProcessor
-s are immutable and contain no element-specific state, so you can reuse them freely across multiple elements. For example:
val onEnterKeyUp = onKeyUp.filter(_.keyCode == dom.KeyCode.Enter)
// and then
input(onEnterKeyUp.preventDefault --> enterPressBus)
textArea(onEnterKeyUp.preventDefault --> enterPressBus)
This kind of casual flexibility is what Laminar is all about.
preventDefault & stopPropagation
form( --> formSubmitObserver)
div(onScroll.stopPropagation.filter(throttle) --> filteredScrollEventBus)
onClick.stopImmediatePropagation --> theOnlyClickObserver,
onClick --> ignoredObserver
These methods correspond to invocations of the corresponding native JS dom.Event
methods. MDN docs: preventDefault, stopPropagation, stopImmediatePropagation
Importantly, these are just ordinary processors, and happen in the order in which you have chained them. For example, in the code snippet above ev.preventDefault
will only be called on events that pass filter(_.keyCode == dom.KeyCode.Enter)
. Internally all processors have access to both the latest processed value, and the original event, so it's fine to call the .preventDefault
processor even after you've used .map(_.keyCode)
div(onClick.useCapture --> captureModeClickObserver)
JS DOM has two event modes: capture, and bubbling. Typically and by default everyone uses the latter, but capture mode is sometimes useful for event listener priority/ordering/efficiency (not specific to Laminar, standard JS DOM rules/limitations apply).
is the opposite of .useCapture
. The former is the default, so you don't need to call it unless you're calling it on an EventProcessor that you've previously enabled capture mode for.
See MDN addEventListener page for details (see "useCapture" section).
Obtaining Typed Event Target
Due to dynamic nature of Javascript,
is typed only as dom.EventTarget
for most events, which is not useful when you want to get
from a target that is a dom.html.Input
(but doesn't know it). So, you can't do this:
// Does not work because .value is defined on dom.html.Input, but not on dom.EventTarget, which is what `ev` is :(
input(typ := "text", => --> inputStringBus)
Instead, use mapToValue
, which essentially gives you
input(typ := "text", onChange.mapToValue --> inputStringBus)
There's mapToChecked
for checkboxes too by the way.
For a more general solution, you can use inContext
input(inContext(thisNode => onChange.mapTo(thisNode.ref.value) --> inputStringBus))
This feature is not specific to events at all. The general syntax is inContext(El => Modifier[El]): Modifier[El]
. thisNode
refers to the element to which this modifier will be applied. Its type is properly inferred to be Input
, which is an alias for ReactiveHtmlElement[dom.html.Input]
, thus its .ref
property is precisely typed as dom.html.Input
, which is a native JS type that has a .value
property that holds the current text in the input.
Because thisNode.ref
refers to the element on which the event listener is registered, in JS DOM terms, it is actually equivalent to dom.Event.currentTarget
, not
– the latter refers to the node at which the event originates. When dealing with inputs these two targets are usually the same since inputs don't have any child elements, but you need to be aware of this conceptual difference for other events. MDN docs: target, currentTarget.
This operator lets you filter events based on their target, i.e. the element that the user actually triggered event on. This is useful for event listeners defined on parent elements, for example, onClick.filterByTarget(_.tagName != a.jsTagName) --> ...
discards all clicks on all child links. Note: Make sure to compare JS tagName
against <tag>.jsTagName
, and not against <tag>.name
. Why: inconsistent capitalization in the JS API.
Similar to the tapEach
method in Airstream and in Scala collections, this operator executes a side effecting callback on every event. It is a helper for situations where the ergonomics of chaining are more important than keeping side effects in observers. Normally it's a good practice to put any side-effecting callbacks into observers, where they are easy to find and recognize.
Imagine you're building TextInput
, a component that wraps an input
element into a div
with some styles added on top:
class TextInput private (
val wrapperNode: Div,
val inputNode: Input
object TextInput {
def apply(caption: String): TextInput = {
val inputNode = input(typ := "text", color := "grey")
val wrapperNode = div(caption, inputNode)
new TextInput(wrapperNode, inputNode)
This generic component does not necessarily know what events on inputNode
the consumer will care about when using it – onKeyUp
, onKeyPress
, onChange
, onInput
, others? There's just too many possibilities. And of course you wouldn't want to clutter your TextInput
's API by e.g. exposing all potentially useful event streams as vals on the TextInput
That's what
method was made for:
val textInput = TextInput("Full name:")
val changeEventStream: EventStream[dom.Event] =
val changeObserver: Observer[dom.Event] = ???
div("Hello", changeEventStream --> changeObserver)
Under the hood,
creates an EventBus, applies an eventProp --> eventBus
modifier to element
, and returns
. That's all there is to it, no magic – just alternative syntax that makes it easier to compose your components without tight coupling.
The events
method accepts EventProcessor
, not just an EventProp
. This allows for very flexible composition:
// You can define this once for reusability
val onEnterPress: EventProcessor[dom.KeyboardEvent, dom.KeyboardEvent] =
onKeyPress.filter(_.keyCode == dom.KeyCode.Enter)
input(onEnterPress --> observer)
textArea(onEnterPress.preventDefault --> observer)
val changeEventStream =
Deprecated in favor of compose
. Use eventProp.compose(f)
or its alias eventProp(f)
instead of composeEvents(eventProp)(f)
– see below.
Compose and flatMap Events
Typically, you subscribe to DOM events without explicitly creating any streams. This is simple and convenient, but it lacks the full palette of observables operators. For example, you might want to throttle the events, or propagate an event only if a certain other signal contains true
. We can use inContext
to access those fancy operators in Laminar:
onClick.throttle(100) --> observer, // does not compile
inContext( --> observer) // works
however, the inContext
boilerplate can get annoying. Use the compose
method instead. It works just like the compose
method on streams, except it also creates the required stream of DOM events under the hood.
val allowClick: Signal[Boolean] = ???
.compose(_.withCurrentValueOf(allowClick).collect { case (ev, true) => ev })
--> eventObserver
The name compose
helps understand the parallels to streaming, but it's actually aliased to apply
, so in fact you don't even need to spell it out. You can just say:
onClick(_.debounce(100)) --> expensiveClickObserver
If you want to create a new stream for every event, you can use the flatMap
method, for example:
def makeAjaxRequest(): EventStream[Response] = AjaxStream.get(...).map(...)
.flatMap(txt => makeAjaxRequest(txt)) --> observer
If you use this flatMap
method in IntelliJ IDEA, you'll be annoyed to find that it causes the IDE to incorrectly report a false type error, at least with Scala 2. Hopefully they'll fix that some day, but for now I added more specialized flatMapStream
and flatMapSignal
methods which use simpler types, and don't trigger the false error in the IDE. As another workaround, you can also use onInput(_.flatMap(...))
instead of onInput.flatMap(...)
Multiple Event Listeners
Just like in native JS DOM, nothing is stopping you from registering two or more event listeners for the same event type on the same element:
div(onClick --> clickBus1, onClick --> clickBus2, "Click me")
In this case, two event listeners will be registered on the DOM node, one of them sending events to clickBus1
, the other sending the exact same events to clickBus2
. Of course, this works the same regardless of what syntax you use to register event listeners (see previous section).
This feature is rarely needed, but it can simplify composition in certain cases. For example, consider the TextInput
component mentioned above. That component itself might have an internal need to listen to its own onChange
events (e.g. for some built-in validation), and it will not interfere with any other onChange
event listeners the end user might want to add to it.
Window & Document Events
In Javascript, window
and document
support their own custom sets of events. You can obtain streams of those events like this: documentEvents(_.onDomContentLoaded).map(ev => renderApp())
provides similar access to window
All the standard event processors work for these events as well, so if you wanted to get document events in capture mode, you could say documentEvents(_.onDomContentLoaded.useCapture)
Depending on your desired logic, you might not have a Laminar element to act as an Owner for subscriptions of these event streams. For example, if you implement an Ajax service based on observables, you would probably want it to make your requests regardless of observers. For such app-wide subscriptions you can use unsafeWindowOwner
. It will never kill its possessions, so needless to say – use with caution. Any subscriptions created with this owner will never be cleaned up by Laminar, so you will need to clean them up manually if needed.
Controlled Inputs
A controlled input is an HTML element whose value
property (or checked
property in case of checkboxes) is locked to a certain observable. You might be familiar with this concept from React.js. Here is how you do this in Laminar:
val zipVar = Var("")
val zipValueSignal = zipVar.signal
val zipInputObserver = zipVar.writer
placeholder := "Enter zip code: ",
value <-- zipValueSignal,
onInput.mapToValue --> zipInputObserver
You need to put both the event listener and value reader inside a controlled
block. This is how Laminar knows where the interaction loop for this input is described, and enables Laminar to make sure that the value property follows the current value of zipVar
This leads us to the main requirement of controlled inputs: your logic must respond to onInput
events by making zipValueSignal
emit the new value. In our example we do exactly that – onInput
we write the new text (mapToValue
grabs the user's input from
) to zipVar
, and we make value listen to zipVar
's signal.
This is the simplest loop possible, but we can complicate it using all normal Laminar functionality. For example, we could disallow non-digit inputs:
placeholder := "Enter zip code: ",
value <-- zipValueSignal, --> zipValueObserver
We could also route the onInput
event in any other way, we could even update zipVar asynchronously. When Laminar detects that onInput
event happened and you didn't synchronously update the observable that the value
is locked to, zipValueSignal
in this case, we set the value property to the previous value emitted by zipValueSignal
. This happens synchronously, so the user will feel as if their input was ignored, they will not even see it flash.
Then if your logic updates the value
prop at some point in the future, it will work as you'd expect. Your updates to zipValueSignal
don't actually need to come exclusively from user input, you can emit a value into that observable any time, and the value
prop will update to match.
Note that Laminar can't do anything if you manually set the element's value, either via inputEl.ref.value = "newValue"
or using the setAsValue
EventProcessor. You should not use either of these methods with controlled inputs. Speaking of, you shouldn't call preventDefault
on controlled events either, even on events that are cancelable (onInput
is not), because for example for checkboxes the rollback of checked state happens after the event listener has finished executing, potentially undoing Laminar's changes to the checked
property and de-syncing it from the controlling observable.
Life Without Controlled Inputs
You can use setAsValue
and setAsValue
event processors when you don't need the input to be controlled. The point of having controlled inputs is being able to update their value
from two sources: user input, and by updating the observable you're locking the value into. With controlled inputs, we solve the conflicts between these two sources by requiring that user input updates the observable to which value is locked if you want such user input to be allowed.
But if you only care about user input, and don't need to lock the value to an observable, you can achieve the same without controlled inputs, for example:
placeholder := "Enter zip code: ",
.setAsValue --> zipValueObserver
And we only need setAsValue
in this case because we want to transform the user's input. If we didn't need to filter for digits, we wouldn't need setAsValue
as the browser would do the job for us.
One limitation of this approach is that we can't "undo" invalid user input because the onInput
event is not cancelable
. Well, you could ugly-hack it, but you'd be reinventing controlled inputs to some extent. So, setAsValue
can't really filter user input events, it is limited to transforming them.
Why Controlled Inputs, Again?
So, how is not using the controlled
block different from controlled inputs?
placeholder := "Enter zip code: ",
value <-- zipValueSignal.distinct, --> zipValueObserver
This might look and often work a lot like controlled inputs, but it doesn't give you the guarantees that you want, and because of this you can run into issues. For example, without the controlled
block, value
is not actually locked to zipValueSignal.distinct
. All that happens is that when zipValueSignal.distinct
emits, we update the element's value to the emitted value. Ok, so what if the user types "123", and then later types another "a"? You'd expect "a" to be filtered out and the input to contain "123" after all this, but it will actually contain "123a", despite the Var containing "123". This is because zipValueSignal
never emitted "123a", this value was transformed into "123" before it reached it, and so the distinct
operator has filtered out the duplicate "123" value. But at the same time, the user did type "123a", and so that's what the browser put in the input box. And before you can think of using preventDefault
to solve this, you can't, because onInput
events are not cancelable. There's a more elaborate explanation in #79, although it's outdated because as of Laminar 15 signals don't have built-in ==
checks (but we replaced that with .distinct
operator for the sake of this example).
So, bottom line is, if you need to transform or filter user input, use either controlled inputs or setAsValue
Types of Controlled Inputs
Our example used onInput
event and value
property. Certainly would be nice if onInput
worked on all input types, but that's not the case in Internet Explorer (of course).
So here are the events that work in all browsers of interest:
Element type | Input Prop | Controlled Prop | Comment |
input[type=text,email,etc.] | onInput | value | |
input[type=checkbox,radio] | onClick | checked | Do NOT use preventDefault on this |
textarea | onInput | value | |
select | onChange | value | Does not work with multi-select |
Controlled Inputs Caveats
You can't have conflicting
blocks on the same element. You also can't have avalue <-- ???
binder outside of a controlled block on an element that already hasvalue
controlled. Trying to do that will throw an exception. If thecontrolled
block is added to the element, it defines the sole source of truth for thevalue
etc.) event listener defined inside of thecontrolled
block will be run before any other event listeners on this element, even if you registered those other listeners before adding the controlled block. If the controlled block is added to an element after it has already been mounted, under the hood this is achieved by removing all the Laminar listeners from the element and re-adding them in the same relative order, but after the controlled event listener. This is done to ensure that other event listeners do not interfere with the controlled input functionality (e.g. by stopping propagation of the event).Remember that Laminar's
block sets the input'svalue
, whichever you use) property to the controlling observable's last emitted value after each input event. This means that all other input event listeners will not see the user's real input, they will see whatever input value was set by the controlled block. This is because the event itself doesn't carry the information about the user's input, it's only stored in the input element'svalue
property. So as Laminar updates that property to match the controlled observable, there is no chance for other event listeners to see the user's raw input.
Laminar lets you work with SVG elements (almost) just as well as HTML. Everything works pretty much the same, just need to understand the required imports:
SVG Syntax and Imports
SVG elements and attributes are available in the
objectSome of the attributes of SVG and HTML have the same names, for example there are two instances of the
attribute, one isL.className
and is an HTML attribute, the other isL.svg.className
and is an SVG attribute. You can only apply SVG attributes to SVG elements (and not HTML elements), and similarly for HTML attributes.Therefore, you generally should not import both
andcom.raquo.laminar.api.L.{*, given}
as that would cause name collisions.On the other hand, event prop keys such as
apply universally to all elements, both HTML and SVG.If you are working mostly with HTML elements in a given file, you can just import
com.raquo.laminar.api.L.{*, given}
and refer to SVG elements and attributes with ansvg
prefix, like this:div( className := "someHtmlClassName", onClick --> ???, svg.svg( svg.height := "800", svg.width := "500", svg.polyline( svg.points := "20,20 40,25 60,40", svg.className := "someSvgClassName", onClick --> ???, children <-- ??? ) ) )
On the other hand, if you are working mostly with SVG elements in a given file, you can use a different set of imports:
import com.raquo.laminar.api.L.svg.* // get svg keys without the svg prefix import com.raquo.laminar.api.{*, given} // get `L` and standard implicits like `textToTextNode` // DO NOT IMPORT: com.raquo.laminar.api.L.{*, given} L.div( L.className := "someHtmlClassName", L.onClick --> ???, svg( height := "800", width := "500", polyline( points := "20,20 40,25 60,40", className := "someSvgClassName", L.onClick --> ???, L.children <-- ??? ) ) )
Rendering External SVGs
The browsers are able to render SVGs from a URL with a simple img
tag just like any other image:
img(src := "", role := "img")
For SVGs, the role := "img"
is apparently needed for accessibility due to a VoiceOver bug, nothing to do with Laminar.
Rendering SVGs this way makes the browser download them separately, and only when they're included in the document. In contrast, if you create SVGs with Laminar, they will be included in the JS bundle, and will be available immediately without an extra network request, but will need to be downloaded upfront, and will increase the size of the bundle.
You can also render native SVG elements provided by other libraries, or even create SVG elements from <svg>...</svg>
strings in Laminar: see Rendering Third Party HTML or SVG Elements and Parsing HTML or SVG Strings into Elements.
Laminar lets you set CSS style properties in all the same ways as HTML attributes, but since CSS values are more complex, we offer additional conveniences.
CSS Keyword Helpers
fontSize.inherit, // same as `fontSize := "inherit"`
display.none, // same as `display := "none"`
flexDirection.column // same as `flexDirection := "column"`
The available keywords are different for every CSS property according to the values that are valid for that property. IDE auto-complete should reduce the need to look up the correct values online.
Of course, you can still set any value manually, e.g. display := "block flow"
You can get the string value of a CSS setter like display.none
with .value
, so display.none.value
returns "none". You can use this when you want assurance that you're using the right values in observables, e.g.:
// You can spell out the values manually...
textAlign <--
if (_) "left" else "right"
// Or refer to defined constants:
textAlign <--
if (_) textAlign.left.value else textAlign.right.value
If you want less boilerplate for this use case, define a trivial implicit conversion from StyleSetter[String]
to String
, and you won't need to call .value
manually. This is a bit too magicky to be included in Laminar core though.
Unit and Function Helpers
CSS properties that accept lengths, like marginTop
, require you to provide strings that include the units of measure (most commonly, pixels). Doing this manually can get annoying, and might require the overhead of creating a new observables, e.g."${_}px")
) when working with dynamic data.
To help with that, Laminar offers several ways to set units like px
, vh
, percent
, ms
, etc.:
margin.px := 12,
marginTop.px := 12,
marginTop.px(12), // remember that all `:=` methods in Laminar are aliased to `apply` for convenience!
marginTop.calc("12px + 50%"),
marginTop.px <-- streamOfInts,
marginTop.px <-- streamOfDoubles
The new API is type-safe, so for example backgroundImage.px
does not exist, but .url
// Equivalent to CSS: background-image: url("")
backgroundImage := """url("")""",
backgroundImage.url := "",
backgroundImage.url(""), // same
backgroundImage.url <-- streamOfUrls
Currently, complex CSS properties don't have all applicable helpers defined, which means that you can do e.g. borderWidth.px := 12
, but you can't do border.px := 12
For such cases, you can use style
string helpers: style.px(12)
returns a plain "12px" string which you can use like border := style.px(12)
Vendor Prefixes
Not a super relevant feature these days, but you can now do this to set a style property along with several prefixes:
transition.withPrefixes(_.moz,, _.webkit) := "all 4s ease"
// and similarly for `<--`.
Approaches To CSS
Laminar's CSS API lets you set styles that apply to a given element. You can also reuse groups of styles by passing around style setter modifiers or even lists of them. In Javascript world this general approach is known as "inline styles" or "CSS in JS".
Various CSS Frameworks like Tailwind and Bootstrap can also be used with Laminar – such frameworks define a bunch of CSS classes in external stylesheets, and if you load those stylesheets, you can add their classes to elements with Laminar to style them (see the cls attribute).
Of course, instead of, or in addition to, using a CSS file provided by a CSS framework, you can provide your own CSS file (or several). You can write CSS manually, or use a CSS preprocessor like SASS or LESS. All of this is done using standard methods, not specific to Laminar.
ScalaCSS needs a special mention. Laminar does not provide an integration with it out of the box, however the two can certainly be used together. See this discussion. Note that ScalaCSS is pretty heavy machinery. It offers a lot of features and safeties, however all that comes at a cost in regard to JS bundle size and compile time.
One common approach in Laminar apps is to use external stylesheets to provide the bulk of the styling in your application, and using Laminar's API only to set styles dynamically (in response to user actions or changing data, e.g. showing / hiding elements onclick). This way, you can set up your build config to do very quick CSS hot reloads, which is very useful for pixel pushing / quick iteration on styling. In contrast, if you use inline styles for all styling, then you need to reload the whole Scala.js bundle to see even a small change in your CSS.
Keep in mind that CSS, being a visual design language, is fundamentally different from a programming language like Scala. To a significant extent, the correctness of a typical Scala program can be checked with types alone, however the correctness of CSS has very little to do with types. Yes, with Laminar or ScalaCSS you can easily make sure that you're not passing invalid values to CSS properties, however having technically-valid values is far from having correct values when it comes to CSS.
Your compiler has no idea if 50px
is a good top-margin
for h1
elements, and even you the designer don't know that upfront. You need to actually see the visual result of this top-margin first, then you'll probably want to adjust it by a few pixels, look at the result again, and so on, until you're happy with the result. I highly recommend that you optimize your CSS build setup for such fast-paced iterative development over anything else. In CSS, it's the visual correctness that matters, and long term, that's what takes the most time to get right. Typechecking is a trivial concern, in comparison. Always remember that type safety is but a tool, not the end-goal.
Ownership is a core Airstream concept. You really need to read about it in Airstream docs before proceeding with this section.
Basically, Airstream does not let you create a leaky resource without specifying an Owner
that is responsible for eventually killing said resource. For example, adding an Observer to an EventStream is a potential memory leak. Once a subscription is established like that, the stream in question obtains a reference to that observer, and the stream's parent stream obtains a reference to this stream, etc. Depending on how long that chain is and how it's used, there is a good chance it will either never be garbage collected or will be garbage collected much later than optimal.
With other libraries you would need to manually call subscription.kill()
for every addObserver
call you make to avoid memory leaks like that. In Airstream however, you do not need to do that. Instead, when adding an observer you need to specify not just the observer, but also the Owner of this new subscription, and that Owner assumes the responsibility for killing the subscription when it's time.
Laminar's Use of Airstream Ownership
In Laminar versions prior to v0.8.0 every Laminar element was an Owner
. In fact, when you used <--
methods on elements or in their modifiers, the element in question was the owner of the subscription that the <--
method created. Laminar elements killed their subscriptions when they were unmounted. Sounds simple and effective enough, yet this old design had two known flaws:
The subscriptions belonging to an element would be created when the element was instantiated, and killed when it was unmounted. That means that elements that were created but never mounted into the DOM would never kill their subscriptions, since the elements were technically never unmounted. Because of that, you needed to be careful not to create any elements that you weren't going to immediately put into the DOM.
Once you unmounted an element, its subscriptions would be killed with no way to resurrect them. So essentially you weren't able to reuse previously unmounted elements as their subscriptions wouldn't be re-activated when the element was put back into the DOM.
Laminar v0.8.0 introduced dynamic subscriptions with a new contract: an element is no longer an Owner, instead an element creates a new Owner every time it's mounted, and kills that owner and all of its subscriptions when it's unmounted. This means that the element's subscriptions are not activated until it's mounted, solving problem 1. And we now also track your subscriptions in a way that allows Laminar to re-activate them after the element is re-mounted, solving problem 2.
Let's see how ownership in the new Laminar works under the hood by analyzing a simple snippet. You might want to follow along by reading the source code of the methods involved.
val urlBus: EventBus[String] = new EventBus
val urlStream: EventStream[String] =
val element = a(href <-- urlStream) // create the element
render(element) // mount the element
href <-- urlStream
creates aBinder
being aModifier
is applied to thea
element immediately after it's created by thea(...)
call.That Binder's apply method does this (actual source is split between
):ReactiveElement.bindFn(element, valueSource) { value => DomApi.setHtmlProperty(element, this, value) }
Which after a few layers of abstraction resolves to:
new DynamicSubscription(element.dynamicOwner, activate = owner => Some( val subscription: Subscription = urlStream.foreach { url => DomApi.setHtmlProperty(element, href, url) } (owner) subscription ))
So when the
href <-- urlStream
Binder is applied to thea()
element, it creates aDynamicSubscription
which in turn has an activation function that creates a regular non-DynamicSubscription
.Let's unravel this onion. When the element is mounted its
is activated, and in turn activates all of itsDynamicSubscription
-s including the one we see here.Note that
is not a subtype ofOwner
, andDynamicSubscription
is not a subtype ofSubscription
. TheDynamic*
counterparts are simply wrappers / helpers for a certain pattern.When the
is activated, it calls its activation functionactivate
. That function is provided with anOwner
that the element'sDynamicOwner
created upon activation.This
is essentially our proof that the element is currently mounted, so the activate function uses it to create a regular non-dynamicSubscription
.As long as this
is alive, every timeurlStream
emits a url string, Airstream callsDomApi.setHtmlProperty
to set the element's href property to this new url.When we eventually decide to unmount the
, the same process unravels in reverse:The element's dynamicOwner is deactivated. It deactivates all of its
s including this one we're looking at.When this DynamicSubscription is deactivated, it permanently kills the
that its activate function created (see step 6). This removes the observer fromurlStream
(and in this case stops the stream because it has no other subscriptions).Now that the element is unmounted and the
is killed, sending events tourlStream
will not change thehref
property anymore.After the element has been unmounted for a while, we decide to mount it into the DOM again. This activates the element's
, which activates the samedynamicSubscription
, which calls itsactivate
function to create a newsubscription
, which bindsurlStream
to an observer that sets thehref
property to the new url.So in other words, on this second mounting we repeat only steps 5 to 8. Steps 1 to 4 were only taken on initial creation of the element.
This was a lot of words, but hopefully I spelled it out clearly enough. The actual code of DynamicSubscription
is much shorter than my explanation, and DynamicOwner
is not much worse, and even then it's mostly to handle scheduling edge cases that are mostly transparent to end users.
Memory Management
Once again I assume that you have read the relevant section of Airstream docs. The basic principles are as follows:
Observables (streams, signals) are not garbage collected as long as they have observers or dependent observables that are not eligible for garbage collection
However, if your entire observable dependency graph – everything from the original event producer to the observables that depend on it and the observers that listen to those observables – if all that becomes unreachable then all of that will be garbage collected.
So none of this negates general JS garbage collection rules. We don't use WeakMap or WeakRef. I'm just giving you guidelines so that you don't need to go into Airstream and Laminar source code trying to figure out what holds references to what.
With proper use of ownership, Laminar's memory management is pleasantly automatic. Nevertheless, programming is hard, so here are is the rule of thumb for preventing memory leaks in Laminar:
Subscriptions should generally be owned by a Laminar element that has a lifespan that matches the desired lifespan of said subscription. In plain English, it should make sense for an element to own the subscription – the element should be the main user of that subscription. The question to ask yourself is – at which point do you want the subscription to die and release its resources? The element that makes use of the subscription and is unmounted at the same time should be its owner.
Corollary: if you have a parent element which has dynamic children, for example by means of
children <-- childrenStream
, each child must NOT use the parent'sOwner
to create subscriptions, because those subscriptions would only terminate when the parent is unmounted, not the individual child. So if you cycle through a lot of children you will accumulate worse-than-useless subscriptions that should have been killed when previous children were unmounted.Of course, Laminar's API does not let you do this easily. Also of course, Laminar's API does let you do this if you directly ask for this by getting the parent's
from anonMount*
hook and passing that owner to children. With Laminar you can always shoot yourself in the foot, but you have to explicitly ask for it. So you should prefer less manual methods: a simplefoo <-- bar
instead of messing with owners manually.
Lastly, a warning about textContent
and innerHTML
You must not set textContent or innerHTML properties on Laminar elements that have any other children given to them by Laminar. We deliberately do not provide an API to set these properties because of their messy side effects. If you need this functionality, it is up to you to use native JS functionality available on
to set those properties, and ensure that you either manage the contents of a particular element with Laminar, or you do it manually withinnerHtml
, not both. The two approaches don't mix on the same element. Needless to say, when using native JS methods includinginnerHtml
you need to understand XSS and other risks as well.Note: if you think you want innerHTML, you might want to settle for Laminar's unsafeParseHtmlString method, which is allows for a smoother integration of random HTML code snippets into Laminar.
Element Lifecycle Hooks
Lifecycle hooks let you do stuff when the element is being mounted or unmounted, as well as obtain and use an Owner
associated with the element when it element is mounted.
What Is Mounting?
In JS DOM an element is said to be mounted when one of its ancestors is the document being displayed: dom.document
. In other words, a mounted element is present in the DOM, or "attached" to the DOM. On the contrary, elements that are not mounted are called "unmounted" or "detached". Those elements are not present in the DOM. They might have none, one or more ancestors, but none of them are dom.document
, so the highest level ancestor of this element must have no parent.
Laminar does not get notified by the browser when elements change parents and become mounted / unmounted. Therefore, technically we use a slightly different definition of mounted / unmounted elements. A Laminar element is considered mounted when one of its ancestors is a mounted Laminar RootNode
. A RootNode
is created with val rootNode = render(containerEl, contentEl)
. A RootNode
is mounted immediately when it's initialized if containerEl
was present in the DOM when render
is called. If you manually remove one of RootNode's ancestor elements from the DOM, you should call unmount()
on the RootNode
, otherwise Laminar will still consider the RootNode mounted, which is probably not be what you want.
In practice the distinction between JS DOM mounting and Laminar mounting meaning is only important when Laminar is not managing the entire DOM in your app. For example, when you are rendering Laminar elements inside a React.js components. If you're rendering your whole app in Laminar, you're likely rendering it into some <div id="appContainer"></div>
element that's always present in the DOM so there is no practical difference between Laminar's definition of mounting and JS DOM definition of mounting.
Laminar elements that are mounted are also called "active", because the subscriptions associated with them are also active while they're mounted. Every Laminar element starts out unmounted because it has no parent at initialization time. An element can become mounted if its parent becomes mounted – either if its parent is changed to a different one, or if the same parent becomes mounted. The latter is a recursion that terminates at the RootNode
You can check if a node is mounted in JS DOM terms with DomApi.isDescendantOf(node.ref, dom.document)
You can check if a Laminar element is mounted in Laminar terms using ReactiveElement.isActive
Laminar offers a few helpers to react to element lifecycle events:
Don't rush to use onMountCallback
for everything, read the docs for all lifecycle hooks first.
Simplest way to run some code when the element is mounted. For example:
input(onMountCallback(ctx => ctx.thisNode.ref.focus()))
This code focuses an input element every time it's mounted. This onMountCallback(...)
modifier provides a MountContext
to a callback, and runs that callback every time the element is mounted.
Aside from thisNode
which refers to the element to which the modifier is being applied – our input node in this case – MountContext
also provides you with an owner
which was just created, and which will be killed when the element is next unmounted. So you can use this owner to bind any Airstream subscriptions, for example:
val observable: Observable[Int] = ???
val onNext: Int => () = ???
input(onMountCallback(ctx => observable.foreach(onNext)(ctx.owner)))
However, you don't need to do this. If you just need a reference to thisNode
, you can just use inContext(thisNode => modifier)
, or if you just need the owner
to bind a subscription, you can just say input(observable --> onNext)
to achieve the same effect, or even combine the two approaches.
The small but important difference is that onMountCallback
will only execute the callback when the element is being mounted, so if you add the onMountCallback
modifier to an already mounted element, the callback will not fire until the element is unmounted and then mounted again. On the other hand, the observable --> onNext
modifier would bind the subscription even if you added it after the element was mounted, like any Binder would. So for example:
val inputEl = input(onMountCallback(_ => println("OG"))) // create element
val rootNode = render(inputEl) // mount it. This will print "OG"
val printBus: EventBus[String] = new EventBus
inputEl.amend( --> (str => println("Mod: " + str)),
onMountCallback { _ =>
println("New gang") // this will print nothing right now
onMountCallback { ctx => => "Mount: " + str)(ctx.owner)
printBus.writer.onNext("hello") // this will print "Mod: hello"
rootNode.unmount() // unmount the element
rootNode.mount() // this will print both "OG" and "New gang"
printBus.writer.onNext("hi") // this will print "Mod: hi" and "Mount: hi"
The bottom line is, avoid using onMountCallback
if all you need is a reference to thisNode
or Owner
. Better use inContext
or amend
if you need thisNode
, and binders like foo <-- bar
instead of messing with owners manually. Use onMountCallback
when its purpose aligns with your big picture: running some code on mount. The same goes for all other helpers below.
To reiterate for – you don't necessarily need onMountCallback
if you want to do something on mount only. For example, you could say onMountBind(_ => observable --> onNext)
to get similar behaviour without messing with the owners manually. More on other such onMount*
helpers below.
onUnmountCallback & onMountUnmountCallback
Works just like onMountCallback
, with the same caveats.
onUnmountCallback(thisNode => println("unmounting")),
mount = ctx => println("mounting"),
unmount = thisNode => println("unmounting")
For easier integration with third party libraries we also have onMountUnmountCallbackWithState
that can remember any value returned by the mounting callback:
onMountUnmountCallbackWithState[Div, State]( // need to provide type params explicitly
mount = ctx => doStuffAndReturnState(),
unmount = (thisNode, maybeState) => maybeState.foreach(cleanupState)
This is a special helper for binders like onClick --> observer
, attr <-- stream
val observer: Observer[dom.MouseEvent] = ???
onMountBind(ctx => {
doSomething(ctx) // let's assume we need this for some reason
onClick --> observer
It looks similar to onMountCallback
, so why do we need a special method for this? The short answer is that onMountBind
will permanently kill the dynamic subscription created by onClick --> observer
on unmount, ensuring that we don't accumulate N dynamic subscriptions after the element is mounted N times.
It's not a coincidence that onMountCallback
expects the callback to return Unit
rather than Modifier
. Let's say you wanted to circumvent this API design by applying the modifier manually inside the callback:
val observer: Observer[dom.MouseEvent] = ???
onMountCallback(ctx => {
doSomething(ctx) // let's assume we need this for some reason
ctx.thisNode.amend(onClick --> observer)
As we know, the callback in onMountCallback
will be executed every time the element is mounted. The first time it's called all is fine – we add an onClick --> observer
modifier to the div, and the dynamic subscription produced by this binder activates as the element mounts.
Next, you unmount the div element. This deactivates the binder's dynamic subscription
Finally, you mount the div element once again. This re-activates the binder's dynamic subscription. Of course, you would expect that, because you expect to be able to unmount and re-mount Laminar elements, and for them to not lose any dynamic subscriptions you defined on them.
However, another thing that happens on the second mount is that the callback in onMountCallback
executes again. And what does it do? It adds another onClick --> observer
modifier to the same element. So, now we have two onClick event listeners sending events to the same observer
, so the observer will be triggered twice for every click event. And if you re-mount the element N times, the observer will be triggered N times for every click event.
In other words, while Setter
modifiers are idempotent, Binder
modifiers are not. They add a dynamic subscription, and if you call them N times, they add N dynamic subscriptions. Those subscriptions don't permanently go away on unmount because that would mean that your elements would become dysfunctional after being unmounted, and we don't want that.
solves this problem by remembering the dynamic subscription returned by the binder and permanently killing it on unmount, instead of merely deactivating it. So when the element mounts again, onMountBind callback will run again, but there will be no pre-existing dynamic subscription from the previous mount left.
So, now we know why onMountCallback
fails us on a technical level, but why does it have to be that way? Well, Laminar is just doing what we're telling it to do: "Every time this element mounts, create a new click listener and add it to this element". And the reason you're even able to tell this to Laminar is: what if this was what you actually wanted to do? What would be a simpler way to express that? I can't think of any, without introducing completely arbitrary helpers that are dependent on fleeting fashions on frontend dev.
And so, onMountBind
exists as the simplest way to do what it does, and onMountCallback
as the simplest way to do the other thing.
Just like you use onMountBind
when you need MountContext
to bind a subscription, you use onMountInsert
when you need MountContext
to insert children (or if you truly need to insert children only on mount).
"Hello, ",
onMountInsert { ctx =>
val childStream: EventStream[Span] = makeStream(ctx.owner)
child <-- childStream
Essentially onMountInsert
is to Inserter
what onMountBind
is to Binder
, and what onMountCallback
is to () => Unit
Thus, the callback can return any Inserter
, including those created by modifiers children <-- ???
, children.command <-- ???
, child <-- ???
, child.maybe <-- ???
, and text <-- ???
We also have implicit conversions defined in Implicits.LowPriorityImplicits
that let you return an individual element or a collection of elements from the onMountInsert callback – they would be converted into an Inserter.
So why does onMountInsert
need to exist, and why doesn't Laminar allow us to put child <-- childStream
into onMountBind
offers the same deal as onMountBind
in terms of cancelling the subscription on unmount to prevent a conflict between N child <-- childStream
modifiers after mounting the element N times. Note that cancelling this subscription does not mean that the previously inserted child is removed. If you want that, emit emptyNode
into childStream while it's still mounted.
But as you might recall, Inserters like child <-- ...
and children <-- ...
reserve a stable spot in the parent element where they will insert new children. That spot is located after the last child of the parent element at the time of reservation.
This would obviously not work inside onMountBind
– the callback is executed only on mount, so the child <-- childStream
modifier is added only on mount, and at that point the element already has two child nodes in it: div(TextNode("Hello, "), TextNode("!"))
. Therefore child <-- childStream
would have reserved a spot after "!", which is not what we want, we obviously want it to reserve the spot where the onMountInsert
modifier itself is visually located, i.e. between "Hello, " and "!".
The onMountInsert
modifier exists to solve this – it reserves a spot when it's applied to the parent element – before any mount events are fired – and provides information about that reserved spot to the Inserter
returned by the callback. And that reserved spot persists after mounting and unmounting, of course.
Why Use Lifecycle Hooks?
If you legitimately need to run arbitrary code on mount and/or on unmount, for example to integrate with a third party library.
- Note: If you need your callback to run on mount but also to run immediately in case the element is already mounted, use
/ etc. methods. Generally you shouldn't need these, but they might be useful for integration or extensions.
- Note: If you need your callback to run on mount but also to run immediately in case the element is already mounted, use
If you want an
to simplify some code. For example, if you have a complex component where you don't want to fiddle with ownership everywhere, you can pass a parent's owner to it usingonMountInsert(ctx => makeComponent(ctx.owner)
, but you have to know what you're doing to avoid memory leaks. Read more about Ownership in Laminar and Airstream docs.- Note: if you want an
because you're upgrading from Laminar v0.7 where each element was an Owner, this might not be the best way to achieve what you want. We've redesigned the API to reduce the need mess around with owners manually. For example, you can have modifiers likestream --> observer
- Note: if you want an
If you need to decide which binders / inserters to use at mount time. For example, with
you could switch betweenchild <-- stream
andchildren <-- otherStream
every time the element is mounted.If you just need a reference to
, don't use lifecycle hooks, useinContext
– it is simpler and more performant.If you can get away with
stream --> observer
binding syntax, use that, don't bother with lifecycle hooks.- Note: Remember you can often use streams like
if you want the observer to be called "on mount" or 100ms after it's mounted.
- Note: Remember you can often use streams like
Lifecycle Event Timing
Mounting and unmounting are discrete events that happen at a certain time.
All mounting callbacks / effects are executed when the element has just mounted. At this point the element has its new parent already, if that changed. So pretty much equivalent to React's componentDidMount
All unmounting callbacks / effects are executed when the element is about to become unmounted. At this point the element still has its old parent, if it's being moved or detached. So like React's componentWillUnmount
How Are Mount Events Propagated?
Every Laminar element starts its life unmounted: div("Hello")
. This element has no parent specified, therefore it has no ancestors, and can't have an ancestor that is a mounted RootNode. This element still exists, but it's not present in the DOM, it's detached from the DOM.
We could mount this element directly: render(appContainer, div("Hello"))
– but almost all the elements in your application are mounted indirectly, by setting their parent to an already mounted element. How do these elements know when they're being mounted, if their direct parent does not change?
Consider this example:
val container: dom.Element = dom.document.querySelector("#appContainer")
val nameStream: EventStream[String] = ???
val titleEl = h1("Welcomer ", b("9000"))
val contentEl = div(
child <-- => span("Hello ", b(name)))
val rootNode: RootNode = render(container, contentEl)
Assuming container is present in the DOM, render(container, contentEl)
will immediately mount the contentEl
div. But if you refer to our definitions above, you'll see that the h1("Welcomer 9000")
element must also be mounted - its parent is now contentEl, which is mounted. Let's see how this is achieved:
element is created, we create aDynamicOwner
for it. ThisDynamicOwner
owns allDynamicSubsciption
-s associated with this element, and will last the lifetime of this element. It will create non-dynamicOwner
for this element every time this element is mounted, and will kill thatOwner
every time this element is unmounted. Laminar does this for every element.element.dynamicOwner
needs to know when the element is mounted and unmounted so that it can activate and deactivate respectively at the same time.In our example the elements are mounted because the
is being mounted.rootNode.dynamicOwner
is controlled directly by its mount status, and it's triggered to become mounted when we calledrender
as we established above. This activatesrootNode.dynamicOwner
, any other element'sDynamicOwner
is controlled by its parent element. Basically, when the element's parent element is mounted, or when the element's parent is changed from an unmounted one to a mounted one, itsDynamicOwner
is activated.This is achieved by means of
that exists on each element and registers itself as a subscription on the parent element, activating the element's dynamicOwner when the parent's dynamicOwner is activated (and similarly for deactivation). This is a specialTransferableSubscription
that can change its owner from one parent to another if an element changes parents.This proceeds to happen in a cascade. When
element is mounted, its DynamicOwner is activated, which activatestitleEl.pilotSubscription
, which activatestitleEl.dynamicOwner
, which activates theDynamicSubscription
of theb("9000")
element which activates itsdynamicOwner
. That last element has no children so the chain stops here in this case.But it's not just child elements that create subscriptions managed by the element's
. Thechild <-- ...
modifier created a subscription oncontentEl.dynamicOwner
that was activated whencontentEl
was mounted.Now that this subscription is active, if we emit "Nikita" into
aspan("Hello ", b("Nikita"))
element will be created and inserted intocontentEl
. This will mount / activate this newspan
element, and then its childb("Nikita")
by the same cascading logic we described above.If we then emit "Ivan" into
, the parent ofspan("Hello ", b("Nikita"))
will be set toNone
, and that will trigger an unmount / deactivation cascade for thesespan
elements. A new element will then be created and mounted / activated:span("Hello ", b("Ivan"))
Integrations With Other Libraries
Laminar is very flexible and magic-free. Its declarative-feeling API is easy to decompose into low-level JS primitives like elements and callbacks, and it offers integration helpers for such third party primitives, so it's generally very easy to make use of other libraries with Laminar.
Note: This section is not very complete. We need more examples.
See the video chapters on rendering Laminar elements inside React and the other way.
This is definitely possible, but might get a bit annoying due to the difference in approaches between Laminar and React. Do this only if you have a pre-existing React application. For greenfield development, if you want to use pre-made components from the JS ecosystem, my advice is don't use React components, find good Web Components instead (see below).
Web Components
Web Components is a technology that lets one implement a custom component using any JS library they want, and expose an API which is similar to native HTML DOM API, so that end users can interact with said component using attributes / properties / methods much like they would interact with any other HTML element. Well, except that all those attributes and properties are defined by the Web Component's author, and instead of the browser processing the user's declarations, they are passed over to the web component's JS implementation.
With such an API, any UI library that can manage attributes and properties of HTML elements can make use of Web Components. Laminar is great at managing attributes and properties of HTML elements, so using Web Components from Laminar is very easy. All you need to do is create a typed interface to the JS Web Component – this is conceptually similar to making Scala.js interfaces to JS libraries, except you need to define the interface in a Laminar-specific format, because you want to use Laminar's typed API to talk to the web component, not the low-level untyped JS DOM API.
You can see some examples of such interfaces and their usage in live examples, and there is a whole library of such Laminar bindings for SAP UI5 web components.
If you review the source code of all these bindings, you'll see that there's no special API for Web Components in Laminar, all we do is define custom attributes / properties / slots / methods that the given Web Component exposes, and use one simple pattern for accessing them in a scoped manner.
Passing Laminar Elements to Third Party Libraries
Some libraries expect you to pass them a DOM element, that they will "render" (attach to their DOM) themselves. For example, a Javascript modal library might expect you to specify the content to render in this way.
object JsModalLibrary {
def renderModal(element: dom.Element) = ???
All Laminar elements have a .ref
property that returns the JS DOM node, so it seems as if you can just pass that node to the JS library:
val content = div(b("Important"), " message")
However, this only works so long as your content
Laminar element is static, that is, does not contain any bindings / subscriptions like <--
and -->
. A Laminar element's subscriptions only get activated when it is mounted into the DOM (by Laminar), but here we're delegating this mounting responsibility to JsModalLibrary
, who on its own knows nothing about Laminar's needs.
For such cases, Laminar offers a special renderDetached
method that lets you manually control the activation and deactivation of subscriptions on a Laminar element:
val content = div(
b("Important"), " message",
button(onClick --> { _ => dom.console.log("click") }, "Log")
val contentRoot: DetachedRoot[Div] = renderDetached(
activateNow = true
Now, this contentRoot
detached root is managing the lifecycle of content
element's subscriptions. We said activateNow = true
, so the onClick
subscription will be activated immediately upon creation of the contentRoot
, and so it will log "click" when the user clicks the button.
There is one last issue to take care of: since we activated the element's subscriptions manually, we also need to deactivate them manually when we don't need the element anymore, otherwise they will never be deactivated and garbage collected. Typically, the Javascript modal library will provide some kind of onClose
hook, which is exactly what we need. So, our final code could look something like this:
val contentRoot: DetachedRoot[Div] = renderDetached(
content, // Laminar element
activateNow = false // !!! see activation code below
def openModal() {
onClose = contentRoot.deactivate // !!!
// re-activate subscriptions every time the modal is opened
Rendering Third Party HTML or SVG Elements
If you want to render a native HTML element (dom.html.Element
) created a third party library, you can convert it into a Laminar element using foreignHtmlElement
or foreignSvgElement
. Once you have that, you can perform all the usual Laminar operations on it:
// Render in Laminar
// Modify the element before rendering:
onClick --> ???,
aria.labelledBy := ???,
span("Add new child")
Of course, it's on you to ensure that any such operations on the element will not upset the third party library or whoever provided the element to you.
Parsing HTML or SVG Strings into Elements
Laminar also has unsafeParseSvgString(dangerousSvgString: String): dom.svg.Element
to help render SVG strings (and a similar method for HTML). Rendering such an element requires two steps, but that inconvenience is by design, appropriate for such an unsafe API:
// SVG elements:
// HTML elements:
foreignHtmlElement(DomApi.unsafeParseHtmlString("<div onclick="alert('pwned')"></div>"))
Warning: These unsafeParse*
methods expose you to XSS attacks, so you absolutely must not run them on untrusted strings. Use them only for including trusted content such as hardcoded SVG icon strings. If you really need to include attacker-provided content into those strings, you must escape those values to prevent them from being interpreted as code, or breaking your HTML in other ways.
Observables Interop
You can easily convert any js.Promise
or scala.Future
to Airsream observables using {EventStream,Signal}.{fromJsPromise,fromFuture}
methods, but you can also create a deeper integration with a different observable system – see Custom Event Sources in Airstream docs. If you make something useful I encourage you to publish it as a library or at least as a gist. Personally, on the frontend I only use Airstream, so I wouldn't be a good maintainer of such an integration myself.
Integration of observables with callback-driven APIs is usually achieved by providing observer.onNext
as the callback (e.g. you can pass something like onclick = clickEventBus.writer.onNext
to React). You might want to check out various Airstream helpers like EventStream.withJsCallback for this.
Network Requests
On the frontend, the primary method to make network requests is the Fetch API. In Laminar, you can use Airstream's FetchStream:
// Make fetch request when this div element is mounted:
FetchStream.get(url) --> { responseText => doSomething },
// Make fetch request on every click:
onClick.flatMap(_ => FetchStream.get(url)) --> { responseText => doSomething },
// Same, but also get the click event:
onClick.flatMap(ev => FetchStream.get(url).map((ev, _))) --> {
case (ev, responseText) => doSomething
also supports raw (non-text) responses and codecs – see Airstream docs for their usage.
AJAX (XmlHttpResponse) is an older API for making network requests from the browser. One good reason to use AJAX over Fetch is when you need to track the progress of file uploads – the browsers' Fetch API does not yet provide this functionality. In Laminar you can use AJAX via Airstream's AjaxStream:
AjaxStream.get("/api/kittens") --> { xhr =>
Websockets is a browser API that lets you set up a bidirectional communication session between frontend and backend. For example, you would almost certainly use WebSockets to implement a realtime chat app. Airstream itself does not yet have a canonical websockets implementation, but Laminext does offer a Laminar API for websockets.
Network Requests Security
Please note that browsers have several security mechanisms that dictate whether you're allowed to make certain network requests, and whether you're allowed to see the response content. For security reasons, when your request is blocked, your code often gets only a generic error message with no details (e.g. just "NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource"). This is most typical for cross-origin (cross-domain) requests that violate CORS. To solve the problem, you first need to understand CORS, and you will likely need your backend server code to specify a safe CORS policy. The browser dev tools (the network tab and the console) will help too, of course.
Your requests can also be blocked by CSP, although for that to be an issue, you need to configure the CSP restrictions on your own backend server, it's usually permissive by default.
Adblockers can also block network requests, image / CSS downloads, and hide DOM elements. You may want to add a popular adblocker extension like uBlock Origin to your dev browser, to avoid surprises in production.
Scala HTTP Libraries
All Scala HTTP libraries that are published for Scala.js use one of the above browser APIs to make network requests when compiled for Scala.js. You don't need to use them to make network requests. If you do want to use those libraries for any reason, you will probably want to convert the scala.Future
-s that they produce to observables (see Airstream docs for this) to integrate them smoothly into Laminar. Keep in mind that libraries that were designed for the JVM first can significantly increase JS bundle size if they use either heavy Java types or functional effect libraries. You can check the contribution of various classes and packages to your JS bundle size using npm package source-map-explorer.
Codecs and Type-Safe Requests
Network requests are data-heavy touch points between your code and the outside world. Request data is typically encoded in URL params (for GET requests) and / or as JSON in the request body (for POST requests), and response data is typically encoded as a JSON string. (Of course, you can use MessagePack or any other encoding instead of JSON). Typically, you would use a JSON library like jsoniter-scala or uPickle to derive codecs for Scala case classes or GADTs representing requests and responses, and with that, your requests and responses are already pretty type-safe.
However, two important components of safety are missing still:
- Matching request params / request type to the response type, for a given endpoint
- Matching of endpoint URLs and requests / response types in the frontend codebase to those in the backend codebase
You can solve both or those in a DIY manner (often my preference), for example by having a single RPC-style endpoint URL, and defining GADTs for request and response types, however you can also use one of the libraries designed for this purpose, such as tapir or endpoints4s.
You can use Caliban as a type-safe GraphQL client – they have a Laminar integration that uses Laminext's WebSockets implementation mentioned above.
URL Routing
Waypoint – My URL router for Laminar.
frountroute – Alternative router for Laminar with API inspired by Akka HTTP
These routers are designed for Laminar, but don't actually depend on it, only on Airstream, so you could potentially use them without Laminar.
Some day I'll have enough time to write a more detailed cookbook with Laminar component patterns and examples (you can expedite this), but until then, I will at least list some things that you really shouldn't do.
flatMap All The Things!
When programming with Scala collections or certain functional libraries, you might be used to using the flatMap operator liberally, often using Scala's for-comprehensions for syntactic convenience.
is the obvious tool to reach for when you want to combine Option[A]
with Option[B]
to get Option[(A, B)]
, however that is only the case due to the simplicity of static collections. The algorithm to combine two optional values is obvious, and flatMap being a suitable implementation is also obvious.
However, flatMap
-ing Airstream observables merely to combine their values is a very bad idea. Take this snippet, for example:
val intSignal: Signal[Int] = ???
val boolSignal: Signal[Boolean] = ???
val resultSignal: Signal[(Int, Boolean)] = (
for {
int <- intSignal
bool <- boolSignal
} yield (int, bool)
You might think that resultSignal
will combine the two observables as desired, after all, it has the correct type. However, the type of observables only indicates their content, it says nothing of the timing of their events.
To understand the timing of resultSignal, let's desugar its definition first:
val resultSignal: Signal[(Int, Boolean)] = (
intSignal.flatMap { int => => (int, bool))
Now, we have a better idea of what's really going on: instead of combining two observables as equals, we wait for intSignal
to update before creating a new observable that actually combines its last emitted value (int
) with the current value of bool
. There is an asymmetry here: every time intSignal
emits, this inner observable is torn down and replaced with a new copy, but every time boolSignal
emits, nothing like that happens.
In some streaming libraries, this asymmetry might be an implementation detail, invisible to the user. Sounds nice, but such libraries must inevitably suffer from FRP glitches. flatMap
is an operator that allows you to create a loop of observables (i.e. an observable that depends on itself), so to prevent unpredictable FRP glitches, in Airstream it emits every event in a new Transaction.
Technically, transaction boundaries like this can cause glitch-like behaviour. For example, our flatMap
code above would have a glitch if it was plugged into the canonical double-diamond example. However, in practice, this glitch-like behaviour only happens if you abuse transaction-creating methods, using them where they are not required.
As Airstream documentation explains, avoiding the glitch in this situation is trivial – just use the correct operator, combineWith
in this case. It is even easier to do than messing with flatMap
val resultSignal: Signal[(Int, Boolean)] = intSignal.combineWith(boolSignal)
How do you know whether you need flatMap
or not? Follow the principle of least power. flatMaps lets you create a new observable on every incoming event. Do you need this, semantically? No? Then there must be an operator that you can use instead: combineWith
, withCurrentValueOf
, sample
, filterWith
, map
, collect
, split
, distinct
Here's one example when you legitimately can't avoid firing events in a new transaction:
val responseStream = stream.flatMap(request => AjaxStream.get(request.url))
Do you need request
to get a response
? Yes. Can you get response
from request
synchronously, without creating a new Observable / future / etc.? No. Therefore, you need flatMap
(or another transaction-creating equivalent like EventBus.emit
). Will this cause FRP glitches? Absolutely not.
Bottom line:
- Make sure you understand which operators and methods create a new transaction, and why it is needed.
- Do not abuse transaction-creating methods like
, andEventBus.emit
to achieve outcomes that do not require transaction boundary. - Feel free to use these methods when they are actually needed, as this will not cause glitches.
See also Airstream docs about avoiding unnecessary flatMap.
Creating Elements Instead of Updating Them
Don't automatically reach for child <-- stream
, look for more efficient solutions. Consider this code:
val userSignal: Signal[User] = ???
child <-- => span(color := user.prefColor,
This is inefficient. You are creating a new span
element (a real one, we don't do virtual elements in Laminar) every time userStream
emits, and replacing the previous element you created with it.
As you see from the code, the span
tag always stays the same, so just keep it static, and update its innards instead:
color <--,
text <--
Now, you only have one span
element, and you are updating its color
CSS property and text contents whenever userSignal
This is good practice not just for performance, but for user experience: in the original child <-- ...
code snippet above, your span element would lose all its DOM state whenever userSignal
updated. If the user has selected its text in the browser, the selection would disappear. If the span element had <input>
or <button>
elements in it, they would be re-created as well, and their DOM state would be lost too – all inputted text would be lost, and the focus, if any, would be lost.
Getting rid of child <-- ...
also simplified the structure of your application: if you want to add any other components to that element, you no longer need to worry about those components getting unmounted and losing their internal state whenever userSignal
That said, if these concerns are not relevant to your use case, feel free to use child <-- ...
. For example, if userSignal
emits very rarely, e.g. only when the logged-in user changes their preferences, it is probably perfectly fine to use child <--
to re-render the whole component displaying their avatar and name.
Note that we only showed a very simple case here. Laminar and Airstream have lots of features to help with efficiently rendering all kinds of observables and data structures – see the docs of both libraries.
Bottom line:
- If you're used to virtual DOM, lose the habit of creating virtual elements whenever, because all elements in Laminar are real.
- Prefer
attr <-- source
andtext <-- source
tochild <-- => div(/*...*/))
Redundant Vars
The graph of observables is the core of your Laminar application. If you design that graph poorly, your code will suffer from excessive complexity, state-syncing boilerplate, and even FRP glitches.
While EventBus-es are typically the sources of actions / events, Airstream Var-s are typically the sources of state in your application. It is very important to put state in the right places (think child vs parent component), and it is very important to avoid creating redundant state.
If you are a backend developer, think of all the state in your Var-s as data in the database. RDBMS performance issues aside, you want to have a normalized database to reduce duplication of data, because if you have any duplication in your database, you need some way to keep the duplicated data in sync, and that is extra complexity, extra code, extra bugs.
Similarly, when it comes to Airstream Var-s, you don't want to store redundant data in them, because then you will need to manually sync it together. If you have two Var-s updating each other, chances are that they should be combined into just one Var, or at least the mutually-dependent part of their data should be in one Var.
You can create derived vars using the zoom
method, but remember that you can also map over the Var's signal
, and transform the Var's writer
separately, you don't need to have these transformations linked.
For example, this unnecessarily complicated component is supposed to show the user's name from userVar
, and update userVar
when the user types a new name:
def nameInput(userVar: Var[User]): HtmlElement = {
val nameVar = Var(
value <-- nameVar,
onInput.mapToValue --> nameVar,
nameVar.signal --> { newName =>
userVar.update(user => user.copy(name = newName))
It doesn't even work well, because if userVar
updates after initializing this component, the displayed name will not update. And if you try to fix that, you will run into an infinite loop of two Vars updating each other. You could break that loop with a strategically placed .distinct
filter, but instead of fighting with redundant state using such manual syncing, consider a much simpler solution:
def nameInput(userVar: Var[User]): HtmlElement = {
value <--,
onInput.mapToValue --> { newName =>
userVar.update(user => user.copy(name = newName))
We eliminated the redundant local state, and replaced it with a simple map over userVar.signal
Bottom line: Eliminate redundancy from Var-s, express state dependencies via signals / observers / derived vars instead.
Observables of Modifiers
I get asked relatively often whether it's possible to use an Observable[Modifier]
. The intent is to get something like this to work:
div( { user =>
if (user.isActive) {
cls := "active"
} else {
opacity := 0.5
This kind of pattern does not work, because Laminar's DOM updates are granular down to the property, so you need to pipe observables into individual properties, like this:
cls("active") <--,
opacity <-- (_.isActive) 1 else 0.5)
Now, for educational purposes only (do not try this at home!), this will compile:
// NO!!!
inContext { thisNode =>
userSignal --> { user =>
if (user.isActive) {
thisNode.amend(cls := "active", opacity := 1)
} else {
thisNode.amend(opacity := 0.5)
However, that will not work the way you want. For example, the absence of cls := "active"
in the else
branch will not remove the "active" class name, nor is there any other way to remove that class name with Laminar APIs after you set it this way, because cls is a composite attribute with special semantics optimized for different usage patterns. Basically, this weird pattern only happens to work for modifiers that are both idempotent and undoable. Anything other than trivial KeySetter
-s like attr := value
will break.
But what if user.isActive
call is expensive, or you just want to keep related values in one place? You can do something like this:
val clsWithOpacitySignal = (_.isActive) ("active", 1) else ("", 0.5))
cls <--,
opacity <--
You can even make a helper function that takes a signal of isActive, and returns both of those modifiers, if you need them together often. (Remember that Seq[Modifier[A]]
is implicitly converted to a Modifier[A]
, so you can just return List(cls <-- ..., opacity <-- ...)
Bottom line: Observable[Modifier]
is heresy. Pipe observable updates to individual props instead.
Creating Redundant Observables
In Airstream, observables have shared execution, that is, the code in every observable is executed only once per incoming event, no matter how many listeners the observable has. Therefore, it is more efficient to share an observable than to create multiple copies of it.
For example, consider this snippet, rendering a document as a list of interactive input elements:
val renderConfigSignal: Signal[RenderConfig] = ???
val blocks = Signal[List[DocumentBlock]]
children <-- blocks.split(_.blockId)((blockId, _, blockSignal) => {
value <-- (
.mapN((block, style) => block.formatWith(style))
onInput --> ???
If we have 1000 of those input elements, we are creating 1000 copies of
, so when renderConfigSignal updates, we would call computeStyle
on the same config instance 1000 times. That computation does not require any block-specific information, so we can instead create a shared instance of this observable. You can think of observables as function calls – you wouldn't call the same function 1000 times with the same parameters, you would just do it once, and save the value in a val
. Same principle here.
Additionally, there is another small optimization available in this code snippet: mapN
creates a new observable just to map over the combined result, but Airstream actually has a combineWithFn
operator that does both combineWith
and map
in one observable. It's more compact and saves the overhead of an extra observable.
Improved version:
val renderConfigSignal: Signal[RenderConfig] = ???
val blocks = Signal[List[DocumentBlock]]
val renderStyleSignal =
children <-- blocks.split(_.blockId)((blockId, _, blockSignal) => {
value <-- blockSignal.combineWithFn(renderStyleSignal)(_ formatWith _),
onInput --> ???
Bottom line: observables can be shared just like the results of a function call, to eliminate redundant computation, and to reduce the number of observable instances.
Browser Compatibility
Laminar supports all modern browsers as well as Internet Explorer 11, with minor caveats (listed below).
However, I do not guarantee continued support for Internet Explorer. If your company needs reliable IE support, please subscribe as a GOLD sponsor and let me know that you need this.
Note that Laminar, Airstream, and scala-js-dom provide access to browser APIs that Internet Explorer might not support – for example, just because we defined a typed interface to use a certain CSS property, it does not mean that IE supports said property.
For IE, you will need to shim / polyfill some browser APIs to make use of certain Laminar features:
- Promise, if you want to use Airstream's
integrations (e.g.EventStream.fromFuture
) - Fetch, if you want to use FetchStream (alternatively, you can use AjaxStream without any polyfill)
Also, the current implementation of DomApi.unsafeParseHtmlString
method does not support IE. See its scaladoc for an alternative.
Special Cases
Laminar is conceptually a simple layer that brings a lightweight reactive API to native Javascript DOM. In general there is no magic to it, what goes in goes out, transformed in some obvious way. However, in a few cases we do some ugly things under the hood so that you don't need to pull your hair and still do said ugly things in your own code.
Please let me know via github issues if any of this magic caused you grief. It's supposed to be almost universally helpful.
You might be used to writing HTML markup like this:
<td>Row1 Cell1</td>
<td>Row1 Cell2</td>
<td>Row2 Cell1</td>
<td>Row2 Cell2</td>
However, this is not actually valid HTML. There needs to be a tbody
(or thead
or tfoot
) element wrapping tr
elements – you can't nest them directly under table
Nevertheless, web browsers render this invalid HTML just fine, by silently inserting a tbody
element to wrap all tr
elements. This is a problem because the web browser will not notify Laminar about this, so Laminar's DOM tree will become incorrect.
Therefore, if you're rendering a table you must make sure to wrap your tr
elements in tbody
(or thead
or tfoot
) elements.
Hiccups are inevitable in development, especially when you're trying a new paradigm (observables and lack of virtual DOM for a React.js developer, or the whole concept of frontend development for a backend developer). Here is some assorted advice for dealing with Laminar issues, in no particular order.
Understand the separation of concerns between the browser runtime, Scala.js, Laminar, Airstream, Scala DOM Types. For many issues, you just need to understand how to do something on the frontend in plain HTML / JS / CSS, and then it will become obvious how to do it in Scala.js / Laminar. This is actually great news, because there are a ton of resources about plain HTML / JS / CSS online. They are very helpful to us, because Scala.js exposes all the JS APIs almost verbatim, and Laminar itself is a relatively thin layer for manipulating the DOM.
Especially if you're completely new to frontend development, make sure to manage the scope of uncertainty. Start small, and don't let the sheer scope of things-to-learn demotivate you (reduce that scope / pace your ambitions as necessary). That said, aim to understand all the foundational concepts eventually. Once you do, frontend development is pretty easy.
Review Laminar documentation, including Airstream docs and Scala DOM Types. See the table of contents, and Ctrl+F. Documentation contains both
Review the content and examples linked on the resources.
Search discord chat and Github issues for Laminar, Airstream, and Scala DOM Types, as applicable.
Don't be afraid to look at Laminar code if needed. It has some complicated areas (e.g. the
children <--
algorithm), but mostly it's very reasonable, with few implicits, no macros, no functional effects, no category theory.Use to test things out in a clean(ish) context. If stuff works here, but not in your own codebase, now you have a lead, try to reconcile the difference.
Use the browser dev tools. Always have the dev console open during development, because both Airstream, other libraries, and the browser itself dumps certain types of errors in there.
Observable/Task/IO-style systems tend to produce complicated stack traces in case of exceptions. Use Airstream's debugging functionality to diagnose errors that happen within the observable graph.
Speaking of exceptions, understand Airstream's error handling, as it is different from other streaming/task/IO libraries.
Ask for advice on Discord. Be specific, show your code, or your desired pseudocode. Try to minimize. Check and report any errors in the console. The act of writing a good question, properly describing the problem, can actually lead you to the solution.
Hey, you've read all of this? Amazing. Join us in Discord!